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Georgia's Place

Hi! *S*

Welcome to "Georgia's Place"

As you can see (if you have been here before)
I have been working hard to improve the
appearance of this web site *S*

You have probably already figured out
that my name is "Georgia"
If not, there you are, I told ya! *L*
I am one of the few natives left in
the wonderful city of Atlanta

Want to know a little about me?? *S*
I am 30 something...going on 20 *L*
about 5'3" tall (or short...whichever way you look at it)
Want to see
the genuine peach? *S*

I have two wonderful sons
and after many, many years there is finally a female around!
I was blessed on November 8, 1998
with a beautiful daughter-in-law, Angie *S*

Another blessed event.......
The arrival of my first grandchild

I love to travel
and see new, exciting places.

I LOVE auto racing, NASCAR
and drags.

My favorite NASCAR driver is none other than the
"Intimidator", "The Man in Black"

My favorite Top Fuel driver is Doug Herbert.

Both are sponsored by my company! *S*

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Send me mail!!!
I love having mail in my mail box....
Nothing is more depressing than opening an empty mail box
Don't you agree?? *S*


Here's another way to contact me......
My UIN is 1625880

This page last updated on September 18, 1999

Did you sign the guest book?????
Well, you'd better!!! *S*
How will I know what you think
of "MY" place if you don't?? *L*

The Most Important Things in Life

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Chataway Lounge
The Park
InfoSpace Chat
Chat City