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The mission of ANA is to work for the improvement of health standards and availability of health care services for all people, foster high standards for nursing, stimulate and promote the professional development of nurses, and advance their economic and general welfare. Quality health care for all people is assured by protecting and enhancing professional nursing practice in all environments.


Founded nearly a century ago for the purpose of uniting our profession, GNA is the state's largest professional nursing association for registered nurses in all practice settings. GNA has provided enormous support to advance the profession as a whole and nurses as individuals. GNA is positioned to advocate for you while you advocate for your patients.


Nurses shaping the future of professional nursing and advocating for quality health care.


Florence Nightingale once said, "No system will endure that shall not march". We as nurses march together as the largest, oldest, and most trusted health profession; we are in fact the core of, the very center of global health care.

We live in a world of political and economical forces; a time of health care revolution, a time of heightened vulnerability and opportunities for nursing. We live in a world in which all health care is available to some and no health care is available to others. In order to march effectively we must have goals if we are to be fully equipped as a force for social good and as a powerhouse for change. We must lead rather than follow or resist the forces of change.

I would like to share with you the goals for nurses as described by Dr. Greta Madden Styles at the 21st Congress of the International Congress of Nursing this past June.

We must raise our standards of education, research, and practice to the level of public need and scientific development.

We must raise our level of autonomy and scope of practice to our level of competence.

We must raise our level of freedom to be self governing to our level of accountability.

We must raise our value in the market place to our level of worth in the health care economy and the lives of people.

We must raise the level of retribution and reward of all nurses to their level of competence and care.

We must raise our level of social status as a profession to our level of social contribution and our influence to our level of strength.

We must raise our level of security to our level of fidelity and constancy.

We must raise our level of the intensity of our politics to the intensity of our ethics.

We will have victory when nurses are appropriately convinced of their social contribution and self value and announce without hesitation or equivocation;


I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join the 7th District GNA members in their efforts to achieve these goals for nurses around the world. We need members and leaders in all domains with a vision of the future and a sense of solidarity to move the profession in a forward direction that will motive and inspire others.

Only together can we move the profession of nursing in a positive direction. All of us speak for nursing. Together we must carry the message, the conviction, and the certainty that we shall not be the victims nor mere survivors, but the makers of our destiny.


President: Barbara Wood RN,MS,CNS
Vice President: Mary Shotwell Smith RN
Secretary/Treasurer: Vera Brock RN,MS
Editor: Ruby Griffith RN,CCHP

Recommended Links

American Nurses Association
Perioperative Nursing Resources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
American Holistic Nurses' Association
American Association for the History of Nursing
Georgia Department of Human Resources
Georgia Legislative Information System
