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1998 Georgia College and State University Bowling Team


The Georgia College and State University Bowling Team has been in existence for five years, with its inaugural year in 1994. Our coach and founder of the team is Mr. Geza Martiny "the Mad Hungarian." We are all pleased and happy that he created a program for us. We practice every week at the Baldwin Bowling Center located in Milledgeville, Georgia.

Our team has had many accomplishments and among them are the dedication and consistancy of the team. The team has made it to the ACUI National Championships every year of its existence. This is an incredible feat because our team is not considered a scholarship NCAA sponsored sport, even though we bowl other teams with scholarship athletes. In order for us to make the National Championships, we practice all year to attend the ACUI 6 Regionals. We have to finish in the top five to achieve the bid for Nationals held in Omaha, Nebraska.

The 1998 GC&SU Bowling Team picture from left to right. FRONT ROW: Erin O'Connell, Drew Jahr, Mike Reagan, Mike Hudson, Jerod Dumas, BACK ROW: Miranda Chambliss, Virginia Tucker, Wendy Rowe, Leanne Panther, and Travis Pierini....

The first few years of our existence we had some outstanding bowlers and two of them have bowled the notorious "300" Game. Those two are Mike Hudson and Jerod Dumas. We also have Denny Galt who has thrown two "300" games in practice! Congratulations guys we won't forget you! Mike, Jerod, and Denny have since left the team having used up their eligibility.

Last year our team had it's best finish in the National Tournament. The mens team finished 12th out of 38, and our woman finished 7th out of 18. The men made it to the final round but, due to an official error, they left the tournament after being told that the team had not qualified. The team was disappointed after learning of the mistake but were very pleased with the performance that they gave.

The following pages contain information about the bowling team, with pictures, and bios of some of the team members.

For further information about the team, or about this web page contact Drew Jahr at

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