Cherokee High School Air Force Jr. ROTC GA-953; Canton, Georgia
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Cherokee High School Air Force Jr. ROTC GA-953; Canton, Georgia

Under Command of:
Col. Walter K. Schmidt USAF (Ret.) & SMSgt. Joseph E. Stewart USAF (Ret.)
I will not lie, cheat, or steal.
As a student and cadet at Cherokee High School
I believe the reputation of the school, Air Force
JROTC and my self respect as a member of the student body depends
upon my attitude, effort, and behavior.

I shall attempt to at all times exhibit good manners,
good sportsmanship and friendliness to all.
Strive for high scholastic standing and support the school and cadet
activities to the best of my ability.
To honor, respect, and cooperate with my associate
students, my community and my country.

Page Created By: c/SSgt Nick Brady & c/2nd Lt Brett Cox

What AFJROTC is about.

Hertitage of Flight

Aerospace today is the roar of a supersonic jet as it routinely breaks the sound barrier or the thunderous blast of a mighty rocket heading for earth orbit. But man痴 use of aerospace started as quietly as a hot air balloon drifting on the breeze.

Two-hundred years ago that balloon flight was as exciting to men striving to fly as the first heavier-than-air machine flight was to the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk in 1903. Since Orville Wright痴 first flight, Chuck Yeager has broken the sound barrier, Neil Armstrong has walked on the moon, and futuristic-looking F-117A flies routinely.

We have made dramatic strides in technology in the more than 90 years since cloth-covered wings lifted the Wright brothers plane above the ground. As we stand on the threshold of the 21st century, it痴 only the beginning.


Why Take Air Force Junior ROTC?

Through Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, you値l become a better citizen and a leader-confident, self-reliant, and self-disciplined. Take our aerospace science program and explore the civilian, industrial and military aspects of aerospace.

Career-minded high school students will learn about jobs in the Air Force that will open important opportunities for the future. High school students who complete a three-year aerospace science program in Air Force Junior ROTC may be able to enter the Air Force at a pay grade higher than most enlistees. Also, you値l be prepared to work in an expanding technological world - in the Air Force or as a civilian.

College-bound students may receive an Air Force Academy nomination or an Air Force ROTC scholarship, if qualified, directly through their Air Force Junior ROTC unit. Or, they may receive credit for the first year of an Air Force ROTC four-year college program - plus, free uniforms, insignia, and ROTC textbooks. They may also receive priority processing when entering the Air Force if they win the Congressman Herbert Advanced Placement Award.



There are hundreds of scholarships reserved for Air Force Junior ROTC cadets. Scholarships pay most tuition costs for up to four years, plus books and fees at more than 750 universities and colleges. You choose the school you want to attend.

Scholarships are offered in engineering, science and nursing. Plus, Air Force Junior ROTC cadets may compete for Air Force ROTC scholarships open to all high school students.



In the first year you値l learn about the heritage and development of flight, and military aerospace policies.

The second year you値l study the environment in which aircraft and spacecraft operate. You値l learn flight and navigational principals, and the requirements for human flight.

Rocketry, space vehicles, and the exploration of space are covered in your third year. Your studies conclude with a review of aerospace careers.

Leadership is emphasized each year. Course work helps prepare you for positions in any military or civilian career. There are classes on military customs, courtesies and flag etiquette, plus instruction in marching, movements and commands for parades and ceremonies. Cadet training gives you a significant competitive edge.



Air Force Junior ROTC cadets go on field trips arranged by aerospace science instructors. You may visit Air Force bases, airports, Federal Aviation Administration units, weather service offices and aerospace industries.

If you participate in the color guard or drill team you値l perform at athletic events and other activities. Your Air Force Junior ROTC unit will also sponsor dances and military balls for cadets.


To Enroll

Make your high school years more exciting and fun by enrolling in Air Force Junior ROTC. You are eligible if you are in the ninth grade, a U.S. citizen and physically fit. Talk it over with your friends, parents and school advisor. And see your aerospace science instructor for the latest information. Enroll now!


Aerospace Science I and Leadership Education I

Aerospace Science I and Leadership Education I provides perspectives of aerospace from ancient legends through modern aerospace. It covers the role of the military and the evolution and importance of air power in the history of the United States as well as the general defense structure of the United States, including the organization and mission of the United States Air Force. Leadership Education studies are related directly to the academic subject matter, including study habits and time management. It also includes wearing the uniform (at least once a week), engaging in Air Force customs and courtesies, participating in drill and ceremonies, and conforming to cadet grooming standards (with emphasis placed on haircuts, sideburns, mustaches, and shaving).


Aerospace Science II and Leadership II

Aerospace Science II and Leadership II is open to students who have successfully completed Aerospace Science I and Leadership Education II. The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with the aerospace environment, the principles of flights and navigation, and human limitations of flight. Included are the atmosphere and weather; the planets and space beyond our solar system, the effects of the environment on flight; the forces of lift, drag, thrust, and weight; basic navigation: including map reading, course plotting, and the effects of wind. Leadership Education II continues the emphasis on cadet grooming standards, and wearing of the uniform at least once a week. It also covers communication skills, written reports, and speeches to complement academic materials. Cadet corps activities such as holding positions of greater responsibility in the planning and execution of corps projects are also emphasized.


Aerospace Science III and Leadership Education III

Aerospace Science III and Leadership Education III is open to students who successfully completed Aerospace Science I and Leadership Education II. The purpose of this course is to study propulsion systems principles, rocketry fundamentals and their application to spacecraft, principles underlying space travel, and various aspects of space exploration. It also covers turbojet, turbofan, rocket, and reciprocation engines as well as the development, use, and future of artificial earth satellites and interplanetary probes. Cadets corps management techniques to include oral and written communication skills are also emphasized. Wearing of the uniform at least once a week with continued emphasis on cadet grooming standards are stressed throughout this course of instruction.


Aerospace Science IV and Leadership Education IV

Aerospace Science IV and Leadership Education IV is open to students who successfully completed Aerospace Science III and Leadership Education III. The purpose of this course is to participate in the management of the cadet corps and study careers available in the civilian and military aerospace communities. Cadets will assume senior leadership positions requiring them to assist junior cadets in the following: drill and ceremonies, proper wear of the uniform, and proper grooming standards. The senior cadet will demonstrate his or her acquired leadership abilities throughout the course.

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