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Who We Are

The Fraternal Order of Police is the nation's largest law enforcement organization, with over 293,000 members and over 2,000 lodges throughout the United States. Founded in 1915, the F.O.P. represents professional, full-time officers from all agencies of law enforcement. Active membership in the F.O.P. is open to all full-time law enforcement officers, regardless of rank, and retired officers as well. Municipal, county, state and federal government officers are eligible for membership.

The F.O.P. is law enforcement officers striving to improve their profession by improving working conditions, wages, and benefits and by monitoring legislation affecting law enforcement on the local, state and national levels.

Our local lodge, the Frank W. Mobley Lodge #7 of Savannah, Georgia has over 300 members from the local, state and federal levels of local law enforcement. We hold events such as an annual Christmas Party for underpriviledge children and the annual Mark A. MacPhail Golf tournament that raises money for police officers' families who are killed in the line of duty. We meet every month on the second Monday of the month.