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James D. Waddell was a ciizen of Cedartown, Polk County, Georgia, engaged in the practice of law. At the beginning of the War, he raised the Polk County Guards, Company D, 20th Regiment of the Georgia Volunteer Infantry.

Soon after reaching Virginia, he was promoted to Major of the Regiment. He was a gallant officer and distinguished himself in many battles, especially at "Thoroughfare Gap" on the July 30, 1862.

He was in command of the Regiment and led the advance, charging up on a hill on the right side of the Gap, driving out a body of the enemy who would otherwise have done much mischief.

On the same day, the Regiment, after a forward movement of more than two miles, much of which was done in double quick time, exposed to shot and shell, drove two Regiments of the enemy out of a dense pine thicket and captured a battery.

Major Waddell was conspicuous in this day's work, brilliantly seconded by his Captains.

The loss in that fight was 21 killed, 125 wounded, and 6 missing. Over 100 of the gallant 500 were bare-footed and left bloody foot-prints as they made their way through the thorns and briars.

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