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Freedom Christian Fellowship Church of God

Our Church Staff:


Dear Members and Friends,

Welcome to Freedom Christian Fellowship Church of God, a Church of of renewed excitement and joy. It is our desire that you too, will experience the warmth of love and the Presence of our Risen Lord. Our goal is to present the best effort possible and only then could we expect the Lord to bless.

Our Church is experiencing "Pentecost Afresh" and the excitement level exceeds anything we have witnessed in the past three years. Several things are happening to the facility, grounds, and the ministry of the fellowship.

New people are bringing a new dimension to our Sunday School, youth services, and children's ministry. The music under the direction of Larry Devotie has exploded with growth and excitement. Lively worship and music are a part of every service.

If your are a guest we want you to come again and special thanks for making this day special by being present.

Sincerely in Christ,

Billy J. Johnson

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