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" The Kings Court"

"Good morrow, gentles". How often this phrase was uttered as I came to understand that I had somehow been transported to a time and place that can only exist in the World of Dreams. The good King Arthur dids't bid me welcome as I reached the gate to his Kingdom, here I was invited to become a part of a world where peace and tranquility did abide. I looked in wonder and amazement as knights rode past me on high spirited steeds. Hearing the clash of tempered steel as they fought each other, each secure in the knowledge that they were fighting for what was right. Here a man is not judged by how he lives, but in its stead, how he chooses to die. Here men are measured by the courage of their hearts and of their devotion to the King. I was soon lost in this world and became a willing subject to the King.

Knight I requested that I might be allowed to become a Knight. This wish was granted but I had not sword nor shield.
The King addressed me saying, "I give you a sword more powerful than even Excalibur, for it is the Sword of Truth. And for your shield, I give you Honor". "With this combination none will be able to master you". As I toured this land knowledge did appear and I was given to understand that goodness and indeed, honor, come's from within ones own heart. Only those who stand by thine own words, and believe with a pure heart can see the beauty that is Camelot.

I walked beneath the splendor of the great trees and did make the acquaintance of a great hunter. He wished my lady a good morrow and betook the business of the great hunt he was about. I asked of the Hunter what game did he pursue. He replied that his hunt was that for which everyone searches but so few find, Then he asked of me, "What does thy search for, Sire". To this question I had not given thought, I realized that my search was for the beauty that did surround me, and all that I had been blessed with.

How lovely was My Lady as she stood in the pure sunlight of the early mourn, her eyes betraying only the love that was in her heart, with her tiny hand in mine I did gain strength and courage. She floated from scene to scene as she saw this enchanted land through the eyes of a child, and behold the beauty did shine even greater for me because of this. Mine heart was lifted for we shared here in this place, in this time, where words were not needed, each understanding the depths of the others soul.

As the day was coming to a close, I knew that I had to return to my own time, I dids't beseech the wizard, Merlin, on how I might be able to remain in this place. Only then was I able to understand that Camelot is not a place of the world, but in its stead a place of the mind and heart. As long as one can dare to dream, Camelot and all it holds is forever yours. Fare thee well, I bid thee Camelot, for you will exist in my heart.

In the twinkling of an eye I left those magical gates behind, as I looked back, two children were waving a fond farewell. Thinks I to myself surely I do know those children. When to my astonishment I saw those children were myself and my lady, there in a place where the innocent dreams of childhood do still exist.

Nichols Crest