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Howdy, pardners. Welcome to my little corner of the world, as it were.

Please leave all your world views, political biases, and preconceived notions at the door.

All conformists... the exit's right over there.

Ok. Now that you're inside, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Eventide, but my friends call me Even. Of course that's not my real name, but if I told you such things, there would be no mystery. Who wants that? Anyway, back in the wonderfully uncomplicated days of preschool, I learned one of the fundamental skills required to get along with others. Sharing. I was damn good at it and , hell, I'm still doing it today! Ain't I sweet? Just don't touch my candy. This site was created to share some of my favorite things with the rest of the world, whether they be art, books, music, or just my own charmingly oblique view of the world. Hey, a little brainwashing can be both fun and healthy! Everyone knows you can't change someone's mind with a stick. It takes a hammer, at least.

So brace yourself. This may hurt a bit.

Now Showing!

Call it Eventide 101 or Introduction to Mental Instability, if you like.

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