Heaven's Shadows
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Heaven's Shadows

I've heard Heaven is light, a sight few can behold..
I've heard it's a place of magic, that the streets are made of gold....
I've heard the soul finds completion, with no sad endings told.

I've heard Heaven is the ultimate domicile, the home of true happiness...
I've heard the visions are clear, not fleeting, each step made together without duress...
I've heard one soul holds another, the epitome of togetherness.

Some say Heaven is their home, for this time, for this moment...
Some say each piece should be treasured, as souls do tend to roam...
Some say it's everlasting, each remembrance sharpened and honed.

Some say Heaven is true love, a journey of two souls...
Some say the fallacy is real, if it's one both truly want to hold...
Some say that's as it should be, two souls entwined as one.

I've seen this Heaven once, with eyes filled with hope...
I've seen my other soul, with whom anything I could cope...
I've seen the beginning of the end, as a colt's first chance to lope.

I've seen Heaven's golden streets, lit by hope's unburnished light...
I've seen the one by my side, held there by only his own determination and might...
I've seen what things could be, both souls waging the same fight.

I've felt Heaven's promise, the strongest love I've ever shared...
I've felt his hand in mine, I've felt his loving stare...
I've felt what I thought a true love, I bloomed within his care.

I've felt Heaven's warmth, one soul shared with another...
I've felt his breath on mine, desire never stronger for another...
I've felt his words inside my heart, the heart held in his hands altogether.

The streets of Heaven were filled with love, an understanding rare...
The streets led ever onward, the path shown with hope's glare...
The streets manouvered easily, my soul and his were bare.

The streets defined Heaven's purpose, the journey to be made by only two...
The streets shone of gold, yet shadows I found there too...
The streets belied the truth, the shadows chilled and cooled.

I feel Heaven's power, the pull and the strongest desire...
I feel the facades that threaten, fearing the hold of a thinning wire...
I feel the chill of bereftment, as it truly takes two to feed the fire.

I feel the Shadows of Heaven, with every quickening breath...
I feel the chill of loneliness, cold and numbing since he's left...
I feel the pain in his heart, has his love died a slow death?

Shadows abound in Heaven, as everything lit casts one...
Shadows are cold and lonely, a battle to be won...
Shadows can be conquered, but it takes two rather than one.

Shadows in Heaven are deceptive, being only as deep as you let them...
Shadows are intermittent, a new one encountered at every bend...
Shadows can pull two apart, or faced together let them blend.

Heaven is a choice, to dwell there or let dreams fade...
Heaven is two parts equal, both souls the other to aid...
Heaven can be two souls as one walking through a peaceful glade.

Heaven is what you make it, yes Heaven can hold it's own hell...
Heaven can be filled with sorrow, seeming deeper than the deepest well...
Heaven's choices in all quite simple, the solutions by both as one to be dwelled.


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A Soul's Echo ...The newest poem by Star
A Paper Rose ...Another poem by Star
Romance Southern Style ...Includes mated AV's by Star for Virtual Places

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