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others' music  / dregeye music  / earth!first/ 1st / jakeis / defuse / simple / sewwatt / whyilldinthestreets  / first aid / feralmale / sensualanguage / rrreading

song lyrics



police brutality
life's a dance
fantasy experience
welcome home
my turn
thru the trees

last word
a vision of our love

dregeye songfiles


born and raised in an evil world i did not know about
they had no doubt ~ tried to prove it to me

heaven  of earth, heart, body and mind, so easy to find
i was not born blind ~ wonder why they can't see
what's underneath it all ~ why ~ we can't fall

filled with lies at an early age, losing innocence
though it make no sense ~ they tried to prove it to me

everyone else in this evil world lives to play the game
are we all the same ~ each seems different to me
what's underneath it all ~ why ~ we can't fall

I traveled on a path of life
learnin' what I was taught, lost sight of my own thought
traded it for others' deadly plight

suckcess, fulfillment, hope and love.  earth below, the sky above
everything I long for is outside me

the things I learned, the path I took
my own wholeness I forsook to find the dream
never in sight

realizing others' dreams, building models of what seems
the answer to what drives me

born and raised in a wonderful world that I learn all about
there is no doubt, I could always see

heaven in earth, heart, body and mind, so easy to find
we are not born blind ~ each who chooses can see
what's underneath it all ~ why ~ we can''t fall

wholeness of love, the earth and sky ~ now my heart, it can fly
I've made my choice, and we each have a voice

anything you can conceive in mind, you are sure to find
any ~ everything goes...........
what's underneath it all ~ why ~ we can't fall

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i will never be a slave~ i will respect all life while in my body of this earth
(it's deliberately unintelligible, but these words are in there)

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change     the world
change      within
free     the world      free      within
        heal      the world
heal      within
change      the world      change      within

i can't earn my existence by defacing myself
we won't earn our existence by defacing ourselves

change      the world
change      within
free      the world      free      within
        heal      the world
heal      within
change      the world      change      within

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P.o.lice brutality
born  of  oppression  philosophy
targeted at you and me,
involuntary intimacy

toxic water, poison food, polluted air to breath
robotic function money game  that sucks the life from earth

these victims of so-called rebirth
claim to own this planet earth.
 poison permeated thought:
respect for life has come to naught


then more police BRUTALITY
 a criminal in me they see
i'll not perpetuate their thought.
dregeye will be ~ and never bought

all "goddesses" and "gods" now here
see and feel your essence clear.
we bring no harm to those we meet

                       nurture life on earth

(hard reggae/ska/rock)


some things about you  others may know,
other things about you, you don't let go
   let it out, try a new bend.
let it out, you'll find a new friend

the way you think may not be the same,
but anyone can learn a new game
  the game of life can sure be fun,
so share what makes you a special one

DANCE,    life's a dance

if it's mistakes you think you've made,
think of your life as hair in a braid
       it twists around, it goes in and goes out,
it's mystery of beauty will let you shout     HEY!

DANCE,     life's a dance

you can hold out or hide in a cave.
no one, no thing can make you a slave
 no time like now to shine your light.
get up and share your dance with all your might

DANCE     life's a dance

light rock


lookin' around, as i pass by,
for a breathless beauty
to catch my eye
and latch onto me
   oh, i know how sweet
can be the feeling:
my life complete(?)
  from the driver's seat.
what a sinking feeling
when i know for sure
(surely everyone else does)
   that i've lost control
of my
fantasy experience

then, i need to
forget about her
for a little while,
then i'll be at peace

then i look around
for a timeless treasure
to catch the eye
of my obsession
   with the idea
of that sweet feeling,
and my life's complete
with or without her
   it's my "driver's seat",
but i like to share it
  for a little trip in my


Welcome Home
Hello people, welcome home
Hello people, welcome home
a rainbow of colours is what we be
no two alike and we blend beautifully
a rainbow of colours is what we are
no two alike and we shine as a star
Earth is the planet where we live
with Sun and Moon up in the Sky
Our food and all we need to live
It gives and gives without asking why
Yes, a rainbow of colours is what we be
no two alike and we blend beautifully
a rainbow of colours is what we are
no two alike and we shine as a star

Thinkin' about all the times gone by
some were so happy and some made me cry
but the time always passes and here I remain
as I view one by one all the links in a chain
though I seem to have chosen where I pass thru this time
I've listened to others to help make up my mind
and I've spent little time with those in my dream
now I'm sharin' my heart to see what it will bring
well, I've known you for years, many smiles we've shared
Your hugs are a timeless embrace I have dared
but to open my heart and share all I feel
I'd let fear always stop from being what's real
You know, we travel a path that's not clearly defined
so let's not be confused when we're changing our mind
and though we hurt many loved ones and friends 'long the way
the demon will to survive looks toward the new day
You're a beautiful person with a child's delight
you can radiate the sunshine or warm up the night
you're content in your being but your heart you will share
it's no wonder, the joy that's felt knowing you're here
Now, if no change in the time that we share comes about
I've lost only fear by discarding my doubt
and with the love we all feel for the children we see
 we'll go on as it is and love what it can be

my turn
Lookin' back upon the trail I've trod
and as I view the pieces, the picture's rather odd
been down alot of pathways tryin' to get up
I been up so high I can fly, then pickin' myself up
but it's my turn to imagine what I want
no one else can tell me what I want
Dreamin' of a family, seein' who I see
You know, I choose my beliefs to help me create, then let it be
I won't give away my power anymore
You know, I'm findin' it so useful to let my spirit soar
and it's my turn to imagine what I want
no one else can tell me what I want
Belonging with the Earth now in freedom of a circle holding all
I'm standin' with the trees, the oceans, all living and I can hear your call
I don't want no one to hurt now, we're wrapped-up with beginning, end to end
I'm living in my dream that convinces me that we can all be friend
'cause it's my turn to imagine what I want
no one else can tell me what I want

Thru the Trees
Runnin' and junpin' out thru the trees
laughin' and playin' my friends and me
runnin' and junpin' out thru the trees
singin' and dancin', Jake and Hannah and me
we'll climb, climb, way up high
see all around and look to the sky
just laughin' and playin' all around
that's where you and I are found
you know, booby traps can be so fun
if you're too fast for me to run
I' gonna getcha!
we'll dig our toes into the sand
build a sand castle fast as we can
waves will chase us to the shore
but, we'll come back again for more
now, with magic and mystery we play
run around 'till they get away
chase 'em round the house and bus
we get lost but they find us
ya know, Rocket bus will take us there
on the road and in the air
 deep in space and underground
and always home as we go 'round
Now, a bike ride to the park for fun
throwin' a Frisbee out in the sun
 gettin' together with all our friends
we join a circle that never ends

Last Word
I've listened to many stories, time and time again
so many reasons why others' decisions are made
although understanding may be within my grasp
 seeing the paths of others, my interest does fade
I've not met another that shares he hope of my heart
the depth of my being standing alone
the words and deeds I find surrounding me
does not grow from the seed I have sown
the subtle presence of silence speaks all I care to say
whatever the language, there's no comprehension
 and silence shares naught to betray
repeating attempts to communicate
my deepest feelings have rarely been heard
the results either way are the same, what a game
to continue seems completely absurd
the subtle presence of silence speaks all I care to say
whatever the language, there's no comprehension
 and silence shares naught to betray

A Vision of Our Love
We swing to and fro
spinnin' around as you smile with me
so wonderful our show
dancin' and singin' our very own song
we can do nothing wrong
Hannah, Hannah, Hannah
a vision of our love
We draw what's in our mind
 wonderful pictures only we see
invention we will find
creating a new thing no one else knows
from our being it flows
Jacob, Jacob, Jacob
a vision of our love
Our innocence so strong
loving and giving our natural way
some fear we won't belong
but, humming a tune we no more need talk
original thought is our walk
So come on children and all grown people
let's be as children and visions of our love
our voice so full of joy
bouncing along, we are friend to all
there's nothing we can't do
our energy boundless and mind so bright
finding a path in the night
Angelina, Mary Kathryn, Rebekah
all visions of our love
Our beauty clearly seen
humor, compassion, a people so full
some traits hidden from view
longing to know as others may know
but needing to let you go
So come on children and all grown people
let's be as children and visions of our love

rrreading / others' music / dregeye music / earth!first/postWTO/kakadu / main / jakeis / defuse / simple / sewwatt / whyilldinthestreets / first aid / feralmale / sensualanguage

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