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"Film lovers are sick people" - Francois Truffaut

"Every great film should seem new every time you see it." - Roger Ebert

Two great quotes from two of my favorite film theorists. I agree with the both of them whole-heartedly for they both express why us film geeks do the things we do and why we care so much for the films we see; why we can watch particular films over and over and over again. We are sick people, just as Mr. Truffaut says.

And Ebert's quote explains why we watch those films that mean so much to us over and over again. Any great film reveals more and more every time we watch it. I can watch Scorsese's great films like "GoodFellas" and "Raging Bull", and Bergman's "Wild Strawberries", and Kurosawa's "Ran" infinite amounts of times without ever having the same emotions and experience twice. But a film like "Titanic" can be seen once, maybe twice, until all it's meaning is lost or becomes redundant.

Since around the 30s and 40s, critics have explored the magical world of film right along with the great directors. The critics have discovered all the meaning the directors intended, and some they did not. They've had their moments of greatness, just as the auteurs themselves have had. I mean, I can't even remember how many times I've read Pauline Kael's great essay on "Last Tango in Paris" and it's impact on the film community. There have been great directors: Welles, Hitchcock, Fellini. And there have been great critics: Andre Bazin, Judith Crist, James Agee.

I am in no way putting my name among those I've mentioned above. I am just trying to express my opinion, like the vast community of online film critics out there are doing. I just hope my opinion can shed some form of light on the films you see.

If there's a film you can't find on this page, don't worry, I'll get to it as soon as I can. If you just can't wait, email me and I'll try to get it done even sooner. Please email me anyways and tell me what you think about the page, good or bad.

Also check out the interviews with independent directors and actors.



Check out the CineZine website, where I sometimes write. Loaded with insider production information, weekly box office grosses, and sarcastic wit, they're a must for any film geek.
