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Birthdate/Astrological sign: March 9/Pisces <*>Role model: My grandfather <*>Favorite actor/actress : Harrison Ford/Meg Ryan <*>Favorite singer/group/song : Alanis Morissette/Bob Marley/96 Degrees in the Shade <*>Biggest extravagance : My music equipment <*>Favorite fun: computer games <*>Favorite book : A time to kill <*>Favorite possession : University of Vermont hat <*>Favorite movie/TV show : Shawshank Redemption/Seinfeld <*>Favorite time of year : Winter <*>Favorite vacation spot : Negril, Jamaica <*>Favorite sport: Skiing <*>Favorite charity: Starlight Foundation <*>What makes me angry: Judgmental people <*>What makes me happy: Close friends <*>Pet peeve: Hair on the soap <*>My fantasy: To be a helicopter pilot in the islands <*>My greatest wish : To find my soul mate <*>Secret ambition: to be a vampire <*>What I'd like to change about myself: Shrink my feet <*>Favorite saying: "It's all about the work" <*>What I dream about: Success <*>Most unusual job: Tire warehouse worker ("The rubber jungle") <*>Greatest fear: Spiders <*>If I weren't acting, I would be : An accountant <*>People would be surprised to know that : I am the king of silly walks <*>Most embarrassing moment : Receiving notes about kissing from directors <*>Proudest moment: Getting a job on ATWT. <*>Greatest achievement : Realizing what my greatest job in live is and doing it <*>Pets: A dog and an iguana <*>Best trait : Trying my hardest to follow the Golden Rule
Kerr Smith, the bad guy, yet good guy, on Dawson's Creek was born and raised in Exton, PA, a suburb of Philadelphia. His name, Kerr orginated from his grandmother's maiden name. Kerr has one younger sister, Allison. During high school at Henderson High in West Chester, PA, he performed in his school play, "The King and I", playing Sir Edward Ramsey. "In high school, in addition to being class president at least once, he played lacrosse, and was on the academic team. Also, he played some club soccer for a few years, but did not play in high school. While in school, he was also very involved in politics," this according to Kerr's old friend, Eric Eisman. After graduating from high school, his father encouraged him to go on to college and get a degree. Following the advice, Kerr went to the University of Vermont and graduated in 1994 with a B.A. degree in finance and accounting. Returning home to Exton, Kerr started a marketing firm with his father, but soon learned it wasn't what he wanted to do. Because he had so much fun making business presentations, Kerr decided to try acting. Selling his car, and moving to New York, Kerr got a spot as an extra in the movie, Twelve Monkies, starring Bruce Willis. After that, he was able to get a job on the day time soap opera, "As The World Turns", playing Ryder Hughes. His work on the show earned him the Best New Actor award from Soap Opera magazine in 1996.

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