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NoT QuItE AnGeLs

Welcome to Not Quite Angels.In order to make things easier to understand we must have a few simple rules.

#1 - Please do not im the painters.

#2 - Please do not mega unless asked by one of the painters.

#3 - No gesturing because this causes more lag than we are use too with Vp.

#4 - Please be courteous of other peoples feelings while at out paint site.NO VULGAR REMARKS.

#5 - Please be patient while u are in here. We are in here to try to help u and give u a awesome looking av.

#6 - Please respect the painters.

#7 - No Scrolling.

Thank you for choosing Not Quite Angels for all you AV needs.

ThEsE ArE ThE PaInTeRs....If U HaVe A QuEsTiOn ThEn AsK ThEm

OuR LiSt KeEpErS....If U WoUlD LiKe To Be PaInTeD PlZzZzZ AsK To Be PuT On ThE LiSt.If YoU Are InTeReStEd In BeInG a LiStKeEpEr PlEaSe SeE Lizz OuR HeAd LiStKeEpEr Or AnY Of ThE PaInTeRs.

We are needing to expand our paint page to accomidate the customers that we have better. If u are a painter or someone who wants to learn to paint please email me at or let one of us know. We also need a few more list keepers.So if interested PLEASE let us know. Thanks and enjoy the page.

OtHeR Vp ThInGs

To our friends at Hellz Angelz: thanks for all the help u gave us as av painters. U were a real help. Keep up the good work on that page.

Brian McKnight- Back At One

Here are two great songs for the metal heads hiding in all of us.To get them to play stop the song above and hit play on the song of your choice.

Slipknot - Eyeless

System of a Down - Suite-Pee

page maintained by Demonic_Mayhem