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"For Who Would Dare?"


Verse 1

I dare not tell you now
the feelings
that overwhelm
I dare not write
nor post
nor call.

Verse 2

I dare not tell you at all.
For you will intercede.
You will mount your chariot
and charge
slay the dragons
and fight all
who seek to harm.

Verse 3

You will surround me
with children's laughter
and hugs,
with a husband's
fond embrace
with friendship
and kinship
and every smiling face
to ensure I not fall
into the adversary's snare
nor lose this battle
nor lose this race
which I have not strength
to run, nor win.

Verse 4

But still I call
and beckon to you
to all in many ways
for you know how
my spirits to always raise.

Verse 5

Thus we learn it is not
just the strength
to run the race
or to even win
it is who we are
and you are who we need.

Verse 6

So mount your chariot
and draw your sword
evil dragons slay
for quit is the word
you want me
not to say.

Verse 7

Then you will see
who dares to enter in
to another's space
of life and love
to be to them
what they cannot
ever pretend to be.

Verse 8

For Father counts
on us to help one another
where one is weak
the other
He made strong.

Verse 9

And He reminds
one and all
there is no race
but a probation
to pass the test of ourself
without the comparison
to another;
to fulfill our mission
and leave the adversary
on the way
to murmur and bemoan
all he could've been
had he the agency
again to decide.

Verse 10

Who would dare
to help a me
or a you?

Verse 11

Anyone you ask upon
would offer to help
but would they do?

Verse 12

No those who dare
offer not, nor ask
they mount their chariots
draw their swords
and slay the dragons;
then say to one and all
who now was it called?

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