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"Where do you Want Me to Go?"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

In this life dear Father hear me
where is it you want me to go
I've climbed high mountains to see
read my scriptures my love to show.

Verse 2

Do you want me to fly high above
as precious daughter or yours I am
do you have someone for me to love
who needs more than just a hand?

Verse 3

When I count the stars at night
and feel your presence so near
it is like basking in the sunlight
even though my eyes might tear.

Verse 4

I'll be whatever you want of me
every commandment will I obey
as the pioneers in petticoats see
my example will I live every day.

Verse 5

So flying like the angels or such
I'll reach for the stars each time
just to feel the Master's touch
so I can be called yours and not mine.

Verse 6

Please tell me Father if this will do
I'm still young and want to learn
if you want me to lead then that too
of flying and stars and feelings that burn.

Verse 7

So here I present myself to your will
to go beyond what the mortal eye
can see then with yours see until
I too once again with you reside.

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