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"Where does the sun"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

"Where does the sun . . .
rise or set each day,
in the East or the West?
Know it is neither,
for the sun is always there.

Verse 2

It is us here
who rise and set
who move to and fro
who find and make
who sing and create
who awake and sleep
it is never the sun
for it is always there.

Verse 3

So why would
we think different
of Father or the Son?
They too are always here,
it is us who move
who run from them
to run to men
saying, "Is he here,
or is he there?"

Verse 4

Then when night
falls and so do we
to be upon our knees
do we remember
it is us who come
to Him in prayer
for He has always
been just here
and we were not
where we were
suppose to be.
Yet the Father and the Son
are always just here
where they're suppose to be.

Verse 5

It is up to us
to come and to obey,
the words so softly
spoken for us all to hear,
"Here am I, come follow me."

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