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"The Order of Prayer"

By C. J. Ingerson

Verse 1

"Oh me . . .

You don't know
of who I am ?
only yesterday
you called
sometimes visited
but now
you know
me not
how strange
you called
me brother/sister
but of not
who I am . . .?"

Verse 2
It was . . .

A small seed
I found it
in the road
while wandering
in the world
of who I was
and sampling
the fruit
along the way
but this seed
was different
and so I stopped
to plant
and nourish
to watch it grow
to a mighty tree
which at first
was just a
small seed
in the road of life. . ."

Verse 3
"Am I . . .

you this day?
Did you have plans
to run and play?
But a moment
is all I want
to spend with you
to embrace
your mind
but a moment
from play
but first
we need to kneel
in pray
for you to meet
those I wish
for you to meet . . ."

Verse 4
"If you'll give . . .

me this moment.
Oh thank you,
but you say
you don't know
how to pray
or of who
it is I wish
for you to know?
Well first let us
kneel just now
and fold our arms
and bow our heads
we'll begin by
addressing Father . . ."

Verse 5
"You ask . . .

But who is Father?
You don't remember?
Well He is the one
who sent us here
He sacrificed
His Son
for us to love
and learn to know
for He allowed
His Son
to be martyred
on our behalf.
Do you remember
Him now?
Then we will
with our prayers . . ."

Verse 6
"Father . . .
who art in heaven,

you don't know
about heaven?
Heaven was our home
it can be again,
it will be again,
if we are but worthy,
I too don't remember
much of my home
for most of our time
was spent in learning
in fighting with
the adversary
but to know
it is where
we know Father resides
it is enough . . ."

Verse 7
"Thank you . . .

for this day
this season
of our life.
Why do I give
thanks first?
Well it helps
me remember
that all I have
that all I am
that all I can be
is due to his love
and His remembering me.
And also
it is my chance
to thank him
for the blessings
of answered prayers
from before.
How ungrateful
would I be
to just pray
for more
or for help
or for others
without first
to thank Him
for all He
has already done?
So first
we thank Him
for all He
has already done?
So first
we thank Him
and then we report . . ."

Verse 8
"Report . . .

Report what?"
Oh, of my stewardship
of what I've done
since last we spoke.
So my report
has to be complete
has to be honest
of both my successes
but also of my failures.
So next He knows
of what I need
to know to do what
He expects of me
in this mortal
life and service
in His vineyard.
For me to know
how to properly
prune and care
to make it better
for the next
to follow me
to take it further
than I was able
even though
I complete
with some success
what I've been asked to do,
there is always
more to do.
So another
will follow me
who needs to know
of what I am
able to give
to complete
the stewardship
shared with me . . ."

Verse 9
Next . . .

I try to address
the needs of others
their pains
and sufferings,
their abuses
and loneliness.
To ask for each
by name
and circumstance
for the blessings
they stand in need.
Then to ask
for my family,
those I love and cherish
and hope to be
with forever and ever.
Then when this is done
I ask for those who serve
so that I might
know of what
I’m to be about,
for the Prophet,
the Brethren,
who are they?
They are the Lords
chosen leaders
in these the latter days,
to help us
hold to the rod
the iron rod . . ."

Verse 10
"The rod . . .

The iron rod
you know
not of it?
It is the
Word of God,
the scriptures
and the spoken word
of Prophets today.
Why is it iron?
I’ve pondered
long on this.
Let me try
to explain of what
I’ve learned
or felt prompted
to feel . . ."

Verse 11
Iron (part I). . .

is a metal
which when
left to itself
will rust and soon
will self-destruct.
But if used
and cared for
will stay sure
and strong.
So the rod is iron.
It is one word
given by one voice,
there is a scripture
where the Lords says,
"Whether is from me
or my Prophets,
it is the same . . ."

Verse 12
Iron (part II) . . .

It is for each of us
to hear the word
and from our pasts
understand what is meant
for us to do and be.
To care and ponder
to use and polish
to return to Father.
But lest we wander
away for even
a season,
when we return
we will be accountable
to repair and shine
(or to repent)
and make whole
for that we have
or haven’t done
and this is
why it is of iron
for even with
a little neglect
It will start to rust
and corrode . . .

Verse 13
"So the rod . . .

Is iron,
and as we hold
it learns our hand
and feels our touch.
And as time passes
this iron rod,
the Word of God
become of the who
we are
and what
we are to become . . ."

Verse 14
And finally . . .

I pray for me
to be humble.
To have
a contrite spirit.
To be one
with Father.
To love
my family.
For safety
in the dawn
or coming night.
Then I close
in the name of
my Savior
even Jesus,
who suffered and died for us . . ."

Verse 15
Why in Jesus . . .
name do I pray
and close?

Because He
is the Lord
of this world
this Earth.
And He alone
is our mediator
with the Father.
So to address
the Father
I must go through
the Son, even Jesus.
And thus is this
a prayer . . ."

Verse 16

"Thank you . . .

for this moment you've given me.
Now I must go
so you can continue
to run and play
if you must,
and if you want
I'll come again,
I'll come again,
if you want . . ."
C.J. Ingerson 10/3/98

Written during the first General Session
of Conference, October 1998.


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