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"Tis' a Happy Sunday"
C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

The church bells pealing
calling all to come hear
drifting though the valley
breaking the daily routine.

Verse 2

On farms the work still,
like milking needs doing,
feeding and cleaning too,
but even the animals
know whose day this is
with the church bells pealing
reeling their loud hooray.

Verse 3

So with the peaceful quiet
of misting morning broken
we gather as a family
to hear the good word
spoken throughout the land
on this happy Sunday morn
first awakened by the calling
of the church bells pealing.

Verse 4

Yes, Tis a happy Sunday
morning, once again to call
for us to bow on our knees
giving thanks for all we are
and all we will ever become
to the One who gave His Son.

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