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"Why did the Flower Not Grow?"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

Early in life I was given a seed
it was for a very special flower
to blossom but once a decade
and then to hibernate till the next.

Verse 2

At first I planted it in fertile ground
and watered it as in the instructions
each day I cleared away the weeds
thinking my what care I've given it.

Verse 3

For one, two, three, four years daily
did I tend this rare special flower
my friends would come by and laugh
saying, "I was a fool to give such care."

Verse 4

Five, six and seven years went by
but even I could see but little growth
and my efforts though put forth daily
now were not as intense as at the first.

Verse 5

Soon years eight and nine went away
and yes my care waned as time passed
I listened to my friends joining them
while the instructions sat idle in my room.

Verse 6

Finally the tenth year came and went;
of course there was no special flower
I had not stayed the course to the end
having wavered, I was not fully obedient.

Verse 7

Sadly I look at my little flower now dead
and take another seed from the packet
to begin again to follow the instructions
this time committed to endure to the end.

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