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"The Final Exam; Part 95"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

In our mortal probation's there is a test
it has many questions and different parts
some we will Ace and others get by lest
we've lived so long or studied in our hearts.

Verse 2

One of the parts of the many there be
will be on the patience we've learned
this will be in Part 95, there we'll see
it takes longer to learn so don't be concerned.

Verse 3

Father knows this hard for some to achieve
thus it is near the end of the mortal exam
so we've more time the answer to receive
in the mortal study guide it is part of the plan.

Verse 4

So as you progress you will learn at a speed
planned for you in mans years and God's day
you'll be given all the time required you need;
that is another part of the exam in Father's way.

Verse 5

A friend is someone who knows
the song in your heart
and sings it back to
you when you've forgotten the words.

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