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"The Feelings of Life"

C.J Ingerson

Verse 1

The Spring rain
and the winters snow
sometimes are intermixed;
that is why we wait
for the lilacs to return.

Verse 2

For then we know
that the Winter is gone
with Summer and Fall
still to come we await
or do we really care.

Verse 3

Thus are feelings
felt one to another
intermixed with the lilacs
as in all of our lives
there are seasons of time.

Verse 4

So we have to measure
carefully words spoken
as to not mis-represent
the love of a friend
for the love of more.

Verse 5

As when it is raining
and snowing in the Spring
are we still in Winter
or has it past as this
storm too will disappear?

Verse 6

Why is it wrong to obey
the second great commandment
from one friend to another
yet it is correct to love
the stranger we've never met?

Verse 7

Why is the love pure and innocent
considered between a sister
and a brother more evil
than that of strangers
in the foyer hall?

Verse 8

Intermixed are our feelings
when we've loved so ardent
yet to be so close to others
is always on the edge
of man's carnal self.

Verse 9

So if I say I love you
do you perceive me a liar
or an old man with warmth
too share with others
amid the flock for safety?

Verse 10

Is it really the Spring rain
just now I feel among
the flurries of Winters
last hurrah and our days
and the lilacs tell the truth?

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