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You Are"


Verse 1

You are much kinder than
I've any reason to expect.

Verse 2

I'm not shutting you out;
it is like
a different world,
dark and cold
yet stifling and hot.

Verse 3

You are different than
those I've had reason to meet.

Verse 4

That is why this world,
my world is forbidden
to anyone like you;
who is gentle
as a summer zephyr
or the soft rain
of planting.

Verse 5

You are of virtue
while I'm
the continence of evil.

Verse 6

I came looking for to take
yet you offer instead;
to hold me
without restraint,
without complaint,
just to be present
while I'm around
and not destroy
the me who
came to destroy
a you.

Verse 7

You are delicate
like a flowers petal.

Verse 8

While my hands hold
another's blood
while dying in a lost field
around the globe;
yet you wash my hands
and then my feet
with your tears
then dry them
with your hair.

Verse 9

-You are the gentlest
person I've ever met.

Verse 10

Undaunted you tell me
who you are
and why you've come;
yet I came seeking you?
You deserve better than a me
for look who you are;
then look at me.

Verse 11

You are my savior
when I never asked for one.

Verse 12

Why did you come for me?
What have I done to be worth
the love you shown unto
one as low and mean as I?
How can you believe in me
when all my life I've believed
in you but didn't always
obey the laws or commands?

Verse 13

You are so different;
kinder, gentler, loving than me.

Verse 14

I came as the soldier of war
knowing no other type of life;
yet you tell me and call me
a knight - one to call upon.
So now I am at your service;
what is you would have of me?

Verse 15

You are one I thought
to never in mortality meet.

Verse 16

Never have I let anyone cross
the lines I've built around a me
for all could see them;
yet few have ever tried to feel.
Only one has crossed the line
and forever she has explained to me;
now you, who are you?

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