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"To Engage the Enemy - Part IV"


Verse 1

Go now in peace my brother
or sister, whoever you are.
We will meet another day;
when every knee will bow.

Verse 2

Go now in your anger thought,
I've no right to record the above.
It is okay for you to go away,
cursing me under your breath.

Verse 3

But mess with a sister or brother
of mind or a friend or another,
who can't defend themselves,
and I will track you to the end of time.

Verse 4

Warriors fight warriors with respect
in this name and what they are;
not the weak or wounded do they scar,
so remember who this day you are.

Verse 5

Thus you forget the code of honor
taken in the Holy House of the Lord.
Remember this, the battlefield
and the battle are usually chosen
by the one who will win the war.

Verse 6

So if you have an evil design,
a friend of mine to hurt or maim.
Remember oh remember my brother;
the battlefield will be Heavenly Father's
and the victory will be his that day,
never forget or this ever deny.

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