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"To Engage the Enemy - Part III"


Verse 1

Now the battle is over
as the scriptures decreed.

Verse 2

Which side were you on
in hindsight do you see?

Verse 3

Will it matter to you now,
in the eternities to come?

Verse 4

You see the New Testament
and the Old clearly state;
there will be no excuse acceptable
for every parent, or anyone.

Verse 5

The life towards death we have to go;
to feel the presence of the why
we are here or what we are to do;
to know with a surety life again.

Verse 6

Do you understand to engage the enemy
will be done by all as man and brother
will fight sister, mother and father;
and brother will fight brother in this war.

Verse 7

Are you just another warrior whose sword
is sold to the one with the highest price?

Verse 8

Or do you seek to defend honor and right,
and at no cost your virtue to sell or forget?

Verse 9

Are you a Saturday or Sunday warrior,
and the rest of the week you take off?

Verse 10

Or do you place upon you your armor
each day in the form of humble prayer;
to purity to defend and die for if asked,
if that is Heavenly Father's price?

Verse 11

To be a warrior is forever in this life;
just so you know whose side are you on?

Verse 12

For those who profess to fight not today;
are fools who provide support to others.

Verse 13

You left us on the battlefield many times;
in Korea, in Nam, on the St. Louis (adrift),
in England, on the shores of France.
There is blood on the fields of Gettysburg;
the hills of Vicksburg, and at Valley Forge;
and the list of places could go on of those
who sat at home involved not; caring not -
yet to get gain from the valor of others.

Verse 14

Don't you dare tell Father or others
of why you stayed behind or hid,
we see you hiding in bushes or trees;
on this battlefield today now as you
are ill prepared to eternally die;
for if the truth will be known -
either you are for Heavenly Father
completely to give forth your life;
or you are against Him -
and thus now will die.

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