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A young lady who turned 19 today
who I wrote this for
said I could share it with others.
So she's to blame
(smile) Chuck

Eagles Fly High
C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

Eagles fly high . . .
with vision keen
to sweep down
at incredible speed
upon their prey,
while lions stalk
for their's to pass,

Verse 2

yet man is worse
than both for his prey
is not for food,
his prey is to count coup
to say I've won, you've lost
his prey is the innocent
who only when
their innocence is lost
know that they
were the prey
in this deadly game
that Satan plays,
and uses man
in this abhorrent way.

Verse 3

So be as the Eagle
fly high with vision keen,
be as the lion
silent, patient,
be as Father's child
on your knee in prayer,
and on your watch
in the vineyard,

Verse 4

for thus when
the watchman slept
only then did the robbers
come and loot the field
and kill the son.

Verse 5

And as Eagles fly
and lion hunt
life is serious
to those who seek
eternal goals
and only a game
to those who
seek only to play,

Verse 6

which this day
will you or I be,
the watchman in the tower
or the one who slept
when the son was killed?

Verse 7
We know not of others
it is us we have
to account for now
as we know the plan
also knowing the adversary
to be wise and cunning,
Verse 8

so we as Father's children
need to be as the Eagle
and then the lion,
for life is not a time to play
but to plan for eternity
to live with him once again
and once again
have him hold us close
and say" my daughter
my son, well done,
well done . . ."

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