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"Too Delicate to Discuss"


Verse 1

Did you hear what they said
the talk to be given
on how to say no
even to someone
who you consider
a faithful and true friend.

Verse 2

Not only that but they're going
to be descriptive as well
about behavior and such
modest clothing, accountability
responsibility, application
even down to having
a prayer in the home
before going on a date;
how embarrassing.

Verse 3

And did you hear the title?
"Sex Can Be Fun"
Who would dare talk
about such a topic
on a Sunday!

Verse 4

I don't know but
the earlier meetings
sure upset mom and dad;
they said he talked about
personal relationships
and yet never said a word;
just played a cassette
with a handout
with each quote
from a different
General Authority.

Verse 5

Then when the meeting began
not a seat was to be had
everyone held their
collective breathes
as the first speaker finished
and the second got up.

Verse 6

Brothers, sisters, my young friends;
(his voice was softer than supposed)
the topic of my talk today is -
(no one even took a breath)
You should have seen
(the Leaders on the stand squirm)
and then he continued;
with in the limits and covenants
of marriage by one having
the authority to do so.

Verse 7

But he had said the word
and as his talk continued
he talked of choices
of the importance
of the sexual relationship
in marriage and intimacy.

Verse 8

Then he said,
'Now for the younger members'
(and we almost giggled)
what was he going to tell us?

Verse 9

'First a question,' he started,
'What is the legal age for
sexual relationships outside
of the marriage covenant?'
(and it was if he looked
inside of each of us)
but no one said a word.
He said then, 'I'll answer.'
'There is no legal age
for sexual relationships
in this church outside
of marriage.'

Verse 10

(We all thought he was done.
But a quick look at the clock
and it looked like he'd just begun.)

Verse 11

He went on to say the,
'The age of accountability,
is the age of eight.'
'Accountability, means
to be responsible
for knowing right
from what is wrong.'

Verse 12

He then described
sexual relationships;
as anything like unto
the sexual act; to include
petting, heavy kissing,
necking, masturbation,
and the list continued on.

Verse 13

Most concerned he was moved
to almost leave the stand
and gather us youth
all together for his voice
seemed to whisper
as it penetrated our beings;
he said, 'The decision is
now, today, here, but
my young friends you've
already made the decision
at the age of baptism.'

Verse 14

This is only to remind you
of this sacred covenant
you've already made,
already committed too.
He reminded us of Joseph
and running for his life;
both literally and spiritually.

Verse 15

Then he went further in this talk;
and said, 'There are no conditions,
except rape where you will be
in a position when you can't
say no, this is wrong.'

Verse 16

He looked at us, our parents,
our leaders behind him on the stand.
Then he said, 'These are the harvest!'
'These are Heavenly Fathers best.'
'These youth need to hear this,
from each of you, in a loving,
gentle way, each day
by how you love one another,
how you act, what you read,
what you allow them and you
to watch or listen too.'

Verse 17

'Yes, sex is fun within
the proper bounds
which earlier I expressed
to the adults in undeniable
terms from the General Authorities,
less someone think maybe this,
or that is okay,' and he stopped.

Verse 18

Again he paused and added,
'Moral agency requires the
consent of both to be appropriate.'
'But the only appropriate behavior
is in the legal bounds of marriage,
by one who has authority.'

Verse 19

'You each have the inherit power
to run, to say no, to avoid
the very appearance of evil,
but should you chose to play
with the sacred powers of
procreation, in any other
status and you refuse to
exercise righteous agency,
you will find your agency
at risk beyond your
most ardent imagination.'

Verse 20

Then he finished, said Amen.
No one moved - or said
a word, finally the organist
played the closing hymn,
'Choose the Right'
the closing prayer was said,
and still we sat transfixed,
as to why in this moment
this was the only talk
we'd ever heard;
now it was over
and we didn't
want it to end.

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