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This is dedicated to my friend and mentor, Benjamin Anderson, who
passed away early on the morning of December 16, 1998. It is
sent with the blessings of his family. Chuck

"Where is it we Say Thank You?"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

When do we say thank you
is it as we leave or stay longer
do we do it without thinking too
is it when we're older or younger?

Verse 2

How do we know the thought
is found just now in the other
who in our lives love brought
and he was only our brother?

Verse 3

Do we reflect on the passage
of space and time to know
that he received the message
of how much we loved him so?

Verse 4

Where did the friendship begin
when you start to live this life?
No it has always been within
from things we did in the strife.

Verse 5

Many don't understand you never
make a friend, and then forget
a real friend will remain forever
for eternal memories are set.

Verse 6

Father calls early some home
while others still brave the storm
because of friends we are never alone
we find ourselves in loves warmth.

Verse 7

May we be in gratitude to the honor
of having known a friend indeed today
for the world is now indeed calmer
because he never left the field or fray.

Verse 8

So today, it is already morning tonight
let me say not goodbye, for it is to live
yesterdays, tomorrow's, still to fight
for the Son had this right to all give.

Verse 9

Where is it we say thank you now
when the friend is no longer here
we do it in personal prayer somehow
to let him know to us he was dear.

Verse 10

So thank you my friend from reality
for your memory will never grow dim
while you were still here in mortality
to once more be at Father's side again.

Verse 11

Benjamin, I loved as only a brother can
you know this now from where you are
you know why I in this race have ran
now you are much nearer instead of far.

Verse 12

Thank you for being the teacher supreme
I know you understood when I said this too,
you surpassed us all yet let us seem
we were the students who taught to you.

Verse 13

Where is it we say thank you?
Just now when we kneel to pray
when we address Father it's true
also to Benjamin, we thank you say.

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