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"When a prophet speaks, those with little faith may think
that they hear only a wise man giving good advice."
Elder Henry B. Eyring (167th Annual General Conference)

"When A Prophet Speaks"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

Given to listen with our hearts
the still small voice whispers
this is truth in all its many parts
for you both my brothers and sisters.

Verse 2

For when a Prophet speaks today
He is the mouthpiece of God, a seer;
and let know one ever be heard to say
"This is just some old man's advice to hear."

Verse 3

Thus the world in its worldly ways
forgets the past and what scriptures say
about the fullness of gospels stays
when we come upon the end of the day.

Verse 4

Of that we might remember of the sure
words in the testaments of the past
that our ears and hearts were pure
that the warmth and feelings would last.

Verse 5

Could we then listen with our heart
instead of just an ear to a Prophet speak
or would we pretend to be so smart
saying, "Wise advice old man, kinda meek."

Verse 6

Is it because we have so very little faith
that man and the adversary have us
to do with as they wish or now waste
and we not like sheep just follow thus?

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