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"For I am a Child"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

A child does not have
an easy life as supposed
for we do things naturally
which get us into corners
we know not how to leave.

Verse 2

In our minds we are stuck
and the stuck means forever
for five minutes can be hours
as the connection of time
is not yet for us to understand.

Verse 3

We are usually a lot smaller
than those from whom we learn
so when it comes to strength
our creativity turns into nothing
and we fight, scream, or cry.

Verse 4

Do you know how much we love
we want to trust as we know
those who we are left with
are trusted to our care just now
but why are we so lost in trust?

Verse 5

We are admonished to beware
of strangers and others about
but I've never been hit in my home
by a stranger, so what does it mean
to trust, to beware, to know or not?

Verse 6

So when I'm in my little corner
do you still love me as when
I'm not here and outside at play,
or do you love me less when
I try to learn my way in life today?

Verse 7

My actions tell you so many things
but what do I learn from yours
will you come and sit in the corner
I've never seen you there with me
do you love me less when I'm there?

Verse 8

I love you, do you love me too
and what is love so I understand
why it is I feel about you that you
sometimes don't feel about me
but yet the word is said the same?


9 Why is it so easy for me to get put
in my corner and yet hard to get out
for I've no idea sometimes of what
got me where I am, but you know
can you better help me to understand?

Verse 10

I love you, do you love me right now,
or was I someone who you didn't want
but tolerate as I'm a child and you aren't,
please tell me so I'll understand what
you want of me, so alone I'll not be?

Verse 11

The corner is nice I will admit it privately
but while I am there I think all these things
and then wonder if this is the way of life
thinking this is where I'm to learn the right
of how you love me, so I can love you back.

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