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Hello and welcome to the CatBox! I am Catzila, ruler of all things Cat. Why would a cat be on the internet? To make the cyber world a better place. Duh.

This site is under construction. I'm kind of new at this and trying to build a website with my little paws takes some time so please bear with me. Thanks!

Bless your it with a cat
Oh what's a cat to do...

Some things you might want to check out while you're here...

Ask Sheba is an advice column produced by my fat black cat. She wanted her own website in which to entertain herself and since she gives such great advice, why not let her have a column! Go ahead...she'd love to hear from you!

The Wedding Page I'm a newlywed, indulge me!

The Picture Book....Family and Friends is just of my family and friends.

Where the Cool Cats Go This is the page of my favorite sights. Make sure you check out the Hapless Child's Website.

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