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I'm Brent and this is my office here at the Double Deuce.. This site is undergoing extensive renovations at the moment.. so we've fixed up this office as temporary place till the contractor finishes up the new roadhouse.

That's a photo of me sitting in the pilot's seat of Sally-B.. A B-17G from World War II that I helped to restore into a flying museum a few years ago when I was living at RAF Alconbury near Huntingdon England.. We spent nearly two years taking that airplane apart piece by piece.... inspecting and replacing what was necessary.. to make it fly again. There are only a handful of B-17's still around from World War II.. much less flying...

I'm an ninth generation American, and from 1747 to 1889 my family made various rifles and pistols in Eastern Pennsylvania. My family arrived from Germany in 1683, and I can trace my branch of the family to about 1696.

I grew up in Allentown Pennsylvania ( yes.. the SAME Allentown that Billy Joel sang about ) and lived there till I was 17... then I joined the United States Air Force and for the next 20 odd years lived the adventure of a lifetime, living in places such as Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, Germany, England, Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and visiting about 30 other countries.

Presently I live in Atlanta Georgia most of the week and the rest of it in Knoxville Tennessee... Why two places?? It's because I enjoy the best of two worlds.. I love the city lights and all the excitement of the city and Atlanta has all that and much more... But also I enjoy getting away to the what I think is one of the most beautiful parts of the world.. That's the great state of Tennessee .. especially the eastern part of it near the Smokey Mountains where I get to enjoy the lovley countryside.. and especially the people...

Right now I'm a computing systems manager for a large corporation in Atlatna.. but my real love is Geography... which I hold a PhD in from the University of South Carolina. Another one of my ancestors, Herman Moll, was an 18th century Geographer and when I think of what he had to endure to make maps of the Americas over 300 years ago I am in awe of his efforts.

The job I have now is interesting.. but its not where I see myself in the long term.. Where and what that is I don't know yet... and I'm always open to a suggestion or two in that regard....

The love of my life is Kadi' Blue.. she's got her own page.. here so you might want to check that out as well...

I tend to write a bit so I've put some links on here if you want to know more about me and my interests.....

Oh yeah.. I'm a Chat world host on the Mircrosoft Network.. Usually I'm in ErosCafe .. although on occasion you'll find me elseware on the net... You'll just have to holler at me.. If I don't respond that doesn't mean I'm ignoring you though... Kadi' might have my attention and I get a bit hard of hearing when that happens... (smiles)...

Hope you like the pages and your visits here....

OH YES.. one last thing.. I don't have any ads here because I didn't make up this web site for any money... I made it up for Kadi'.. I love you girl... and I miss you too when you aren't around.. So when you're out there on the road and get a bit lonley... you've got a place now to come see me.. Just like you have one for me to visit when I can't be with you.....

See you in chat on the net.....


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