
Okay boys and girls! Time to ask those burning questions and you can find the answers here! Great right? Ha ha! Anyways, email me and ask those questions. AND IF YOU ASK QUESTIONS THAT ARE ALREADY ON THIS PAGE I WILL BEAT YOU SENSELESS WITH A 2 BY 4! Thanks and have a great day!

Who are Ghetto B and Angel?
Seriously? I have no clue! Just kidding. Why, Ghetto B is your truly and Angel is my best bud. We're called those names b/c we made them up. We had nothing better to do! I'm called Ghetto B cuz I use the word ghetto constantly and my last name starts with a B. And Angel gave herself that name. (Like you, I have no clue...)

Why is this site called the BSB Files?
Does it matter? Ok, so it does. It's called this because my buddy Angel and I were gonna make a newsletter for our enjoyment about the BSB. It was supposed to be a tabloid mag, printing fake stories about the BSB. Now, that I have a website...why not put them on there! Thank you, thank you...

What and who are Backstreet Monkeys?
Well, Backstreet Monkeys are the Backstreet Monkeys. I guess I'll explain. In the U.S., there is this show on Nicklodeon called All That. It's a kid version of Saturday Night Live. There's this skit called Vital Information on it and this girl will say really stupid crap. In fact, it was sooo stupid it was down right hilarious! One day she said the magic words that kept us laughing for quite sometime: It is not polite to put bacon on your face a say I'm Pork Boy the Breakfast Monkey! It was the funniset thing we'd ever heard at that point...anyways, when our obsession developed(BSB), we decided to combine All That with All the BSB and ta da! The Backstreet Monkeys were born! *sniff* Such a happy day...

Why do you make fun of them if you like them a lot?
IT'S FUN! Try it sometime. It keeps us from daydreaming about marrying them...IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN FOLKS! It's time to face the facts: Kev is deprived, Howie is a tad queer, Brian can't be PERFECT, AJ's horny and Nick really is chubby! The truth hurts doesn't it?

Who is Lizard?

Lizard is Angel's sister and also my best bud! She loves the BSB but not so...what's the word...psychotic as we are... Her fave was Nick but now she's hooked on Brian. GO GIRL! I like to think of her as part of the Duo! But wouldn't that make it a trio? Shut up.

Please...I beg you...release me!