The Shunned List

Welcome to the Shunned List. This is the home of Howie and Nick. They do certain things that we consider STUPID and GAY! Every now and then, Brian or Aj jumps on the lists but not often. Currently, Kevin has never even SEEN the Shunned List. HE doesnt know it exsits...and we here at BSB Headquarters, plan to keep that way. Also, a new member joins the List! The copy-cat band N*Suck...whoops, N*sync. Hee hee. Howie and Nick may be taken off the list because of recent shows they've been on(ie:Pay Per View), and they looked really hot. But as the excitement of how great they looked fades, they find themselves right back on the list. Enjoy!

*UPDATE!* May 25,1999Hey, Ive updated the List! Well duh, since i just annouced it. Anyways, Ive taken Nick and Howie off cuz of the new CD. they sound awesome so they get to stay off...FOR NOW! And the reason that Lizard is on here is cuz we got into a fight and it really is personal...unless the price is right! Bwhah! nah, anyways...bye bye

*June 28, 1999* Yo,thaz my new word, hee hee....Liz IS off the Shunned List and Howie iz back on....Howie...iz on cuz, he just iz alright? Now, our TWO NEW members are those whores : Amanda and Leighanne. DEATH!! They're on here for obvious reasons...they are with our men, gurls!! KILL! Leighanne is just wayyyy to ugly to comprehend and plus, shes old enough to be his damned mother for petes sake...GROSS. Amanda(or should I say PANDA?? *gag*) iz...lets say...Monica Lewinsky? GROSS!!!! Im kinda glad they broke up(if thaz tru)...they were also plannin to get married but thats off...*lol* Itz kinda funny that Amnada got a a tattoo of a panda on her arm just for AJ and that AJ deticated Millennium to Amanda...white-out anyone??

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