Something I Did During Gov't

All righty then...I have decided to make a totally waste of space. It's kinda like a quiz. I mean, I ask a question, you click on an answer and it'll take you to an answer's pretty self expnatory so ENJOY!
1) This one's easy: Do you like the BSB?

2) Is your fave Kev? (you better click yes or your ass is grass!

3) Is your fave AJ?

4) Is your fave Brian?

5) Is your fave Nick?

6) Is your fave Howie? (heaven forbid)

7) Are you a BSB Monkey?? (hee hee)

8) Do you have 100+ posters wallpapering you walls??

9) Have you bought every single that's come out?

10) Do you have constant dreams about all and/or a particular BSB?

Okay I took you stupid "quiz"...where are my RESULTS!
This sucks...take me back!