Pay-Per-View, wassup!

Please tell me you tuned in to watch the CONCERT...if not, I'l lfind you and I'll...N-E-Ways, it kicked butt. I know I was foolish to pay twenty bucks for all that, but hell it WAS WORTH IT! I mean, they all loked sooooo good and when they popped out of the stage at the beginning! Whoo baby! Nick even looked good! And Howie! They are off the shunned list. For awhile anyways. Okaty, that concert is one of the first concerts I've seen. I can't wait for them to head on down to ATLANTA! Wassup! I'll go into details later cuz I can't remember that much even though I taped it and watched it about a hundred times. Some hightlights on my tenny boppoers.

Can we say fizzine! I think we can...FIZZINE!Oh man...this guy...!!! I kept rewinding his solo. It was actully one of the first time his mic was on, HELLO! And the way he danced around that stage! He was sooooo cute! Oh, and I loved the way he got the crowd hyped up! I mean, it was cheesy but I liked it. He was trying!! One thing: He needs to loosen up. When he dances he tries so hard to do good but he ends up screwin up a little, otherwise he's KICK ASS! Of course, I'd be nervous a little(LOT) but it's all good. Damn, I want a piece of DAT!

Another great show by AJ! But, um, well how can I put this nicely...crap. I cant but I'll go ahead and say it: LAY OFF THE WEED! Or whatever the hell he was, the boy was humping everything like there was no tomorrow! Did y'all see him hump the stage! Actully, I enjoyed that part and continully re-wound that part. I even put it in slow-motion and THAT WAS FUNNY AS HELL! Whoo! Hee hee, one more part I thought was great, was when he stepped over the railing on something on the side of the stage...he was singing to his fans(who else), and he climbed over with one foot and slid across it and then stepped all the way over...*LOL* I thought he was gonna hurt himself! But we all know AJ...or do we...

"Go B-rok, go B-rok!" This boy was AWESOME! There was absolutly nothing wrong with ANY of his preformances! So help me God, I WILL find something wrong! It might take me awhile, BUT ILL DO IT MAN! And his whor--girlfriend :) was UGLY. You know, at the beginning before they got's on stage, they were doin their little pep song. She had her arms under his! Im gonna rip them off that slut and beat her senseless, oh wait. Too late! Hee hee

Um, he was OKAY. I mean, if he couldnt sing he wouldnt be up there, but he needs to get up all of his skin tight clothes and burn them! You Nick fans have to agree!!! UGH! When he took off his jaket and revealed to 10 million(or something like that)fans, I thought I was blind. All that fat, spilling over...*gag*. Otherwise he looked really good. Oh, And I love his solo song! EXCEPT(u knew it was comin), that he held that damn note till I thought there was something wrong with my freakin TV. When AJ does that in Lay Down Beside Me(CD version), he knew when to cut off. Nick needs to work on that. Or he could give it to, oh I dont know...KEVIN!

Howie looked so good, once he stopped winkin every three minutes! *L* Im joshin. That boy has got a GOOD body. And he put on a cute show when they were yellin at the band for not playin the song right(that part was cheesy but I still managed to keep my popcorn down). If you watch his solo carefully, some girl almost beaned the poor guy with a stuffed animal! Hee hee, he kinda sides steps it. *LOL* Man, I had to watch that one about a million times. By the way, his solo is annoying. I mean, the song. It's kinda corny but when the new CD comes out(May 18, 1999!), I'll have those words memorized in no time.

So, that's what I thought about it and if you dont like it, tough cookies. Peace, y'all!

But we can't forget about what I thought it was like.

Well as you all know Kevin, The Man, looked fine as anything. Even when he was dancing the boy could "get down and move it ALL around"

AJ on the other hand, he acted like he had been snorting crack or something. We all know now that, that boy must be EXPERIENCED if you know what I mean! For those of you who don't email us, so that we may educate you.

What can I say gurls, Brian is annoyingly perfect. All accept, the girlfriend. The bitch must die...oh did I say that out loud....*S* No really she maybe okay but we all know Brian is everyones man....*gag*

Nick I have two words for you... JENNY CRAIG!! I don't care what you gurls think the boy is FAT! He needs to start doing some crunches, people are begining to notice.

Howie, Howie, Howie...He looked fine...until his solo. Keep your shirt on Howie....for god sakes you have 8 year old fans. You look good, I don't know, maybe it was the lighting, but you didn't look good then.

Well peeps, that is the word from the Angel herself, if ya don't like it you can just shove it!