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 Brannens' Bratty
Cats Home Page


 Just take a second and look at the cats that belong to the Brannens.
That's all it will take to conclude that these are about the most spoiled and bratty cats in their neighborhood.
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Meet Furguson (Furg for short)
Furg is the oldest and wisest of them all.  He is 15 years old.  He puts up with the rest of his family members but prefers to keep to himself.  He does love to have his daily brushings.  Furg weighs 14 pounds.


This is Tarzen.

Tarzen has lived up to his name.  He is unusual and you  have to really like cats to put up with his weird ways.  He has a little ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).  He is very impulsive.  Tarzen would rather be outside than in a warm, cozy home.  As you can tell he really likes to eat.  He weighs in at 20 pounds.  We have to watch and make sure the others get their fair share of the food.


Tocy is our only female.

Tocy came to us from a pet store in the mall.  She was kind of puny.  We  didn't think she would make it.  My daughter brought her home.  I wasn't going to get attached to her.  My daughter is now married and Tocy lives with us.  I am very attached.  She is nicknamed Baby Girl.  Tocy is part Maine Coon and has all the personality traits of that breed;  very, very, very spoiled.  She weighs 15 pounds.  Lots of fur make her look a lot bigger.



Finally, meet Merlin

Merlin is our newest addition.  He is also part Maine Coon.  Merlin came to us through the Good Shepard Organization.  He is about two years old.  Merlin is very lovable and demands a lot of attention.  He is the only one that has been declawed.  He stays inside with us.  Merlin is my Christmas '98 present.  The others are jealous, but they are beginning to come around.  Tarzen seems to have the most difficulty.   Merlin has been with us about two weeks.  I am not sure of his weight; I am guessing about 15 pounds.  Don't let all that fur fool you.

Update 3/99 Merlin has finally been accepted by all the others. Tarzen seems to be his best friend. Merlin follows Tarzen everywhere. Even outside if Merlin's parents are at home.

Meet Scrappy

Scrappy is our newest member. She belongs to our son. This is one or our grandkitties. She is cute and energetic. Scrappy is more like a ferret than a cat. Loves to make a nest to sleep in and doesn't mind stealing things from the others to claim as her own.


As I had mentioned, my daughter has recently gotten married and has made us grandparents to three wonderful kittens.

Meet our Grand kitties!

This little lady is Cavy.

 Cavy is about 3 years old.  She is not the prettiest kitten but makes up for it with her personality. In this picture she is actually UP ON THE ROOF. This way she can get away from her troubles. In this case, it is her two younger brothers. You can meet them if you scroll down just a little.


This little fellow is T- Bone.

 He gets his name  for his tail.  It is unusual because he bends it over his back.  T-Bone is very lovable.  He likes to purr a lot.  T-Bone and Merlin have become close friends.


This is ----Cody

Cody's Mother Writes:

  Cody was adopted from Petsmart in Newnan through the Humane Society.  He got his name because he is very CODYpendent.  Yes, his middle name is pendent.  He loves to be around people.  In fact, right now as I speak he is jealous because I am not giving him my full attention.  He also is a little rambunctious.  He's constantly attacking things.  He likes to jump in the air with both front paws out in front of him and meow softly.  He also likes to be held upside down; sometimes you can even spin him around.  He has huge paws.  His original name was Big Foot, but we changed it after we got to know him a little better.  One last thing, sometimes he forgets to put his tongue back in his mouth and it hangs out.  It makes him look a little dim, although he's an intelligent cat.




Meet Stokes

  Under Construction



Vist some of our FAVORITE CAT SITES

All of our cats have been spayed or neutered.  Their shots are current.  Please if you have not done this with your animal, do so soon.  They will become better and healthier pets.

In Memory of Bumpkin

Bumpkin had a short life.  He was a wild stray.  My daughter and son-in-law brought him home to try to give him a better life.  He was sick with many things including a stomach disorder.  He lived for about six weeks.  This is even more reason to spay or neuter your animals; they don't have a healthy life in the wild.


Cats'n'Kittens' Designs

Midi by Christeen's Place

Cats' Human

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