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Our God is an Awesome God!!

This site is always UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Hi y'all! This is my first web page and I'm trying to get all the kinks worked out, so please bear with me!

When I get access to a scanner, I'll add some photos, but this'll have to do for now. Enjoy...and please don't forget to sign my guestbook!

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"This is my story..."

I've always felt that I was a Christian, considering that I grew up in a Christian home, even professing Christ and being baptized at a young age. But ever since I met Dixie last spring, the Holy Spirit has really been tugging at my heart. She showed me what it really meant to be a Christian, not only with her words, but it was apparent in her own life. But I had just ignored it, thinking I was a "good person." Last Friday (9/18/98) I even asked Sherry to disciple me, thinking that I could become a "better" Christian that way.

However, all this time I've really been fooling myself; I've been trying to do it on my own. I never really had that relationship that I've seen so many of my friends have with Christ, and I've always known that there was something truly missing in my life, but I kept trying to do things with my own strength, just pretending to turn it over to God. But, like I said, the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me, but my foolish pride also kept me from listening. "Everybody already thinks I'm a Christian. What will they think of me if I were to make this decision?" But it isn't about what everybody else thinks. I knew, as does Jesus, that my heart wasn't right, even though my head was. Although I might have appeared to be a Christian on the outside, I didn't have that close personal relationship on the inside.

The Glorious Day, September 20, 1998

This particular Sunday was the beginning of Prince Avenue Baptist Church's Revival. Evangelist William Blackburn preached on Matthew 7:13-23. It is a passage that I have heard many a time in my life, but my heart was especially sensitive this Sunday to the Word.

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, "I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!" (v. 21-23)

Many people who expect to be saved will be lost. Until Sunday I was one of those people. It's not enough to be a good person; morals have nothing to do with eternity. Good people don't go to heaven-saved people go to heaven. There is no one, except for Jesus Christ himself, who is good enough to get into heaven. It is not even enough to know about Jesus, you must truly know Him in your heart. For even the demons believe there is an almighty, all-powerful God, and shudder at the thought, but they aren't going to heaven either. (James 2:19)

This may seem to be a negative message. It is an important message that needs to be spread! There are many out there, like me, who have fooled themselves. What a horrible surprise on judgement day when they aren't taken into heaven! Do you want that to be you? Or your best friend? Or family members? No! But, there is a solution!

Judy, a Prince Avenue counselor, gave me a wonderful analogy. Think about a marriage. The bride can walk the aisle and say "I do," but if she and her husband never communicate more than small talk, or never spend any time together, surely that marriage will not last long. That bond is one that must continually grow. The same holds true for Christianity. Salvation does not just cover judgement day: it's a package deal. If you wait until that day to get to know Him, it will be too late. All you have to do is get to know Him today and everyday, through prayer and spending time in the scriptures.

So my repentance is not "conventional," but is one that should happen more often in the church today. There are good people out there, but we all have areas in our lives which truly need to be changed. I pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal mine to me. I know without a doubt that I've made the right decision, and I truly want to become a bright light for Jesus. He is not just my Savior now; He is the Lord of my life!

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