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Dear ACA Members,                              2015 May 22                                                     Updated: 20140526


Below is a draft Calendar for 2015-16.     

1.  We need our calendar so that we can schedule observing/invite speakers/programs. 

     Meetings:  usually on Fridays, 7PM.   Observing: usually on Saturdays at NMR-DSO, except as indicated.

     Please check these dates with your personal calendar and reply email if this works for you and your family. 

     If you find conflicts, please reply email now, so that we can work out a better schedule. 

    Your input is most appreciated.   We will try to finalize the 2015-16 calendar soon after the May meeting.

2.  We would also like to get your feedback on what kind of speakers/ programs you would like to have during  the

     2015-16 season.

3.  Many Thanks to Stephen Miller and Tedda Howard for preparing our Calendar.



Kenneth Beard, ACA VP Programs


Astronomy Club of Augusta      


2015     Calendar of Events                                    ______   MOON Rise/Set      NOTES

May                 29         1900 OfficersMeet         Sconyers

June                 06         2030 Star Gaze             NMR-DSO         2300   0914

                        19         1900 Meeting                GRU                 0911   2237   Installation of Officers, R:JohnWhite 

.                                                 Double Stars, Suzanne Harris, CaveManAstronomy, JohnWhite .

July                  11         2030 Star Gaze              NMR-DSO         0148   1538   

                        24         1900 Meeting                GRU                 1317   0000   Annual Awards,

                                                                                                                     New Horizons,MMoffatt, R: Morris McGahee

August              08         1830 Picnic/ Perseids    NMR-DSO        0033   1432 Club suplies BBQ, members bring side dishes.  

                        21         1900 Meeting               GRU                 1202   2307   How to Make an Icy Cold Comet,
                                                                                                                      Stan Howard
   R:Kathy&Victor Levy

September        05         1900 Star Gaze NMR-DSO         0019  1424     Mercury

                        19         1900/1930Meeting,IOMN RPSEC            1243  2330     Moon Talk, Steve Miller, R: Jean Yarsawich

27 20:12- Lunar Eclipse See from home!, 1809 0536 reference

October            03         1600/1900 Star Gaze       NMR-DSO        2356  1311     Prep for SEED/ S:Stan&TeddaHoward

                        10         0800-1500 SEED           RPSEC            0519  1753     ACA on Lawn                              

                        23         1900 Meeting                RPSEC            1617  0306     NASA Space Radiation Program,JSutherland, R: Pat&AngieRotier

November         07         1730 Star Gaze              NMR-DSO        0306  1527     Last of Saturn      (New Moon 11.11th  1029)

13 tentative STEM Outreach Middle School Please volunteer.

                        20         1900 Meeting                RPSEC            1354  0059     Music of the Stars,Victor&KathyLevy, R: MaryglennBrown

December         05         1730 Star Gaze  NMR-DSO        0151  1400       

                        19         1800 Annual Dinner        ???                   1313  0059     Sug: Bobby'sBBQ, Eastern Buffet,
                                                                                                                        Sconyers, Golden Corral, Formosa 

2016  Calendar of Events

January             09         1730  Star Gaze NMR-DSO         0652 1735

                        22         1900 Meeting                AU                 1648  0652     The Evolution of Galaxies, & their Dust: MoniqueAller, R: _____

February           06         1800 Star Gaze              NMR-DSO         0531  1618       

                        19         1900 Meeting                AU                 1538  0447     Starhopping Southern Style,Erik Benner, R: _____

March               05         1830 Messier Marathon NMR-DSO         0407  1501       

12 1800 Star Gaze Phinizy Park 0915 2250 ACA Public Outreach, Tedda Howard,

                        18         1900 Meeting                RPSEC             1429  0331     Extra-solar planetary systems, Inseok Song, R: Steve&HelenMiller

April                 02         1930 Star Gaze              NMR-DSO         0345  1445                    (New Moon 04.7th  1524)

                        15         1900 Meeting                RPSEC             1516  0353     Measure Solar System, Gary Senn: R:Dave&JimPrice

                        30         1600/1930 Star Gaze      NMR-DSO         0225  1334     Prep for NAN/

May                  14         1900-2230Nat'lAstroDay, RPSEC           1404  0230     Annual Awards,Conj:Moon&Jupiter R: ___

                        28         2000 Star Gaze              NMR-DSO         0107  1227

June                 10         1900 Meeting                AU                 1154  0105     AnnualElection, 2Min Speakers: _ R: Susan&Karl Feldman

                        25         2030 Star Gaze NMR-DSO         0028  1122     Install New Officers

July                  08         1900 Meeting                AU                 1038  2338     Speaker:____, R: ___

                        23         2000 Star Gaze              NMR-DSO         2308  1018

August              05         1900 Meeting                AU                 0922  2210    Skype Virtual Astronaut: _____, R: _____


                        13         0130 Count Perseids  NMR-DSO             1530  0200 Pancake breakfast @6AM 

                        20         1830 Picnic                   NMR-DSO        2146  0911    Saturn, Mars, Antares                               

Helpful Information about Refreshments and Programs