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201806 ACA Speakers, Topics, MEAs

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Email to Tedda or Kenneth  

List of suggested speakers


Schmude, Richard, Phd, Prof, Mars Atmosphere 2005 PSSG: 

Monique Aller, Tom & Lynn Crowley, Jay Dunn, Deiter Harmann, Clayton Heller, Walt Kubilius, Mark Leising, Russell Romanella, Louis Rubbo, Julius Benton,

John Sutherland, Joshua Wood, Ryan Tanner (Galactic Winds), …

Merida Batiste, Island Universes,  Arash Bodagee,

Chris Moore: 12,800 Clovis People, possible comet or asteroid hit.




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List of Program Topics of interest: 

NASA New Leader, Plans, How we/students can fit in.  Are we too old?

Astronomy for Engineers

Astronomy for Technical Writers

Astronomy for Artists

New info on Galaxies, Black Holes,

New info on the Sun, Sun spots, changes, how they affect us.  Why we didn’t predict it.  How we are doing better.  CO2, Pollution, Volcanoes, Lava Release, Continental shift/drift, causes of Internal release, content / how other planets respond.  


Comets in 2018-19: 

Current on Mission to Asteroids: Vesta, Ceres:  discoveries, new info.

Current on New Horizons to Pluto, Kuiper Belt objects,  . . .

Distances and how we overcome:  increased speed, gravity assists, positioning for proper take off…

Not missing opportunities,

Solar Eclipses, other eclipses, occultations,

Satellites, spacecraft returning useful info, L positioning,  Space waste, junk, Competition of Countries: US vs Japan, India, China, Russia,

Landing locations planned for the Moon

Landing locations planned for Mars.


PHA Potentially Hazardous Asteroids  

NEO:  Near Earth Objects


Parker Solar Probe - July

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MEAs (Most Excellent Adventures)

MEA 1: USNO Telescope, Roper Mountain, SC 2013
MEA 2: Winter Star Gaze, Big Pine Key, FL 201401
MEA 3: Digitar 6, Planetarium, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA 201403
MEA 4: _________

Suggestions for MEAs (Most Excellent Adventures)
NC Radio Telescope Center ~ weekend
WV Radio Telescope Center ~ long weekend
Arecibo Radio Telescope Center, Puerto Rico ~ 1 week
Clovis People Site, evidence of extinction due to impact from space ~ 1 day

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