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The Star Gaze for June 02, 2018, Sat. 8:00PM at NMR-DSO was a no-show due to cloudy weather.





The Monthly Meeting of the Astronomy Club of Augusta was held on June 15, 2018, Fri.7PM at AU.

Attendance: 14 members, 2 guests.


Adela recorded attendance outside the auditorium, and Tedda took dues for 2018-19.


The meeting began late (8PM) due to computer technical problems. Many thanks to Stan Howard and Bruno Huguet for getting us going.


Kenneth welcomed all to the meeting, recognized our newly elected officers and declared them installed. 

Tedda briefly stated that despite not having a Treasurer yet,  Officers Kenneth, Stan and Tedda  were able to make necessary improvements to our banking arrangements. She also reported our current balance. Please see the extended minutes below for details of the events and current status of our account.


Mark Moffatt gave his talk on selected lunar impacts, flybys, and landings on the moon, mostly US, a few Russian. He showed photos and UTube video of past events, and briefly mentioned upcoming lunar interests of the Chinese and Indians, noting that the US has turned much of it’s interest toward Mars.


Many thanks to John White for bringing white and chocolate milk, and a wide assortment of cookies for refreshments.






The 2018-19 new officers-elect met for an initial planning meeting on June 02, Saturday at 6PM before the scheduled Star Gaze.  Tedda had prepared a list of topics for discussion, and a draft Annual Calendar of Events 2018-19, which led to good discussion and decisions.  We are hopeful that all members will send corrections and comments as needed.  We will finalize the calendar at the July 20 meeting.  


Our membership dues are the “best deal in town” so we do ask that members participate in club functions and assist in accomplishing the goals of the club.  The Officers and Committees are listed on the website, so that all may apply their greatest interest, experience, and skill to areas of interest to the club.  We hope that you will volunteer by reply email.


At Kenneth’s request, Tedda also drafted a list of speakers and program topics that we have had or might be of interest to the membership.  This draft is also listed online and we welcome you additions by reply email.  Thank you for letting us know what interests you, and how we can be your best leaders.


We also discussed how we would handle our Treasury, as we currently do not have a volunteer for this position.

Tedda expressed thanks for John’s long-standing tenure and faithful service to the club as previous Treasurer.  She also was grateful for Cathy’s service as Treasurer this past year. 


Cathy told us she would be on vacation and unable to attend the June 15 meeting.  Tedda and Cathy made arrangements to transfer paper and computer files at Cathy’s office later in the month. It turned out that Cathy was able to email computer files, and she sent paper materials with Kenneth on June 15.  Hopefully, this will save a trip, and we will not need to meet physically later in the month.


Tedda agreed to contact SunTrust Bank and see what was needed to update our signature cards, etc.




Tedda spoke with the SunTrust Manager, Rhonda D. She was very helpful.  She said that Kenneth, Stan and Tedda would have to come to the bank together.  This sounded just like last year’s meeting, which took a very long time. Tedda mentioned this to her, and also mentioned that we had some interest to find a bank at some time during the year, with branches in both GA and SC.  We agreed to set an appointment on June 09, Saturday morning to complete the signatures. 



Rhonda called back, reviewed our account, wondering why last year took so long.  She found: They have to close our current account, open a new account for ACA, because it was opened as individual/business in 1995.  They can no longer do that with updated computer systems, etc.

Since we would have to open a new account anyway, Tedda asked about moving to another bank with branches in both GA & SC now.  She thought that was a good idea, and said Bank of America and WellsFargo both have branches in both states. 

Tedda called Bank of America, but they do not have a business account that would fit our needs ($3000minimum). However, Wells Fargo has a Simple Business Checking Account with $500 minimum balance, no fees, and other benefits that would work well for us.


Tedda and Rhonda rescheduled the appointment for June 15, 2018, Fri. 9:30AM to close the SunTrust account, receive a check for our balance.  Tedda made the appointment to open our new account at Wells Fargo at 11:30AM .



Kenneth, Stan and Tedda met at SunTrust, closed our account, took the check to Wells Fargo, opened our ACA account there, and deposited the check.  We hope this new account will serve the ACA well for many years to come. 


This could have been a rather exceedingly tedious morning.  However Stan kept our spirits high with jokes and fun comments in the car and during wait times in between business.  Stan also treated us to lunch at Kenneth’s second- favorite Chinese restaurant, Panda Express. Since we hadn’t been to expensive Red Bowl, we were willing to accept. Thank you so much, Stan!


Respectfully submitted,


Tedda Howard

ACA Secretary, President-elect

Our next Star Gaze has been changed from June30 to July 07, Sat.8:30PM at NMR-DSO.
Take a nap in the heat of the day, enjoy cooler temperatures this evening!