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Astronomy Club of Augusta

Volunteers for stations at 20170821 Total Solar Eclipse


We have lots to talk about.  What interests you the most? 

Sign up - email Tedda.

We will help you if you need it.


Station                                                                       Name                       phone             email                .


Welcome table, registration, JeanY,SusanF Registration poster, Need table, pencils & paper, 2 T-Posts, Luan

Poster for Stations list & map. JeanY, Needs 2 T-Posts, luan

Poster: List of 12 Observations for Eclipse Totality AdelaD Bring sm table, 50-100 Handouts for AL brochure, certificate,
Needs 2 T-Posts, Luan for poster


Learn about how amateur astronomers and astronomy clubs

can help you learn about the heavens above.


Solar System : poster and setup for planet distances Suzanne Harris+ Bring setup, poster, table. Needs 2 T-Posts, Luan


Solar System outer reaches          


Learn about when, why, where, and how Eclipses occur:

Solar plate, lunar angle/s, eclipse opportunities

            Who’s speed matters

different types of Eclipses:

            Bailley’s Beads, Crescent Shadows, .

            Lunar, Partial, Total, Planetary.

Poster: each of 12 different effects of Total Solar Eclipses: Mark Moffatt Bring Poster/s, Needs 2 T-Posts, Small Table

            . . . .



Constellations & stars we may see during Totality



Learn about other suns (stars) in other solar systems.

Goldilocks sweet spots for other planets


Learn about the suns (stars) we can see at night,

and those beyond naked-eye viewing. 


Solar Structure                                                         Kenneth Beard 706-627-6529   

Age and size of the sun

Contents and layers in the sphere of the sun.  

Surface of the sun and energy explosions.

Distance of the sun from Earth today, yesterday, and in years to come.

Coronado and Solar Cycles Poster Ron Ferris & Mike Close Need 1 luan, size:?, 2 T-Posts.


Observing from Space LorelaiC, GeorgeC

Sweet Spots in Space: LaGrange Points

List of Spacecraft at Earth's Lagrange Points. What they study.

List of Spacecraft at the Moon's Lagrange Points. What they study.

Our Solar Spacecraft Andrea Allen-Lee

Where they are located, what equipment do they use,

What do they measure, photograph, and “hear”.

Eclipse Safety, Solar Glasses

     Digital cameras, CELL-PHONE CAMERAS, UV coating

     Regular binoculars or telescopes. 


Learn about different types of telescopes and solar viewing:

Direct:  Coronado, Solar scopes with built in solar filters, attached solar filters,

solar sunglasses, #14 welder glass.


Solar Binoculars, Solar glasses (direct)  


Televue with Solar Filter (direct)                           Stan Howard/Shane Sherwood


Coronado (direct) Bruno’s                                      Rich Baker


Coronado (direct)                                                     Mike Bush    



Welder Glasses (direct)                                           Virginia White


Solar Scope(indirect)                                              John White Bring equip, poster/s, table, chairs, Needs 4 T-Posts,

Projector Scope                                                        Daniel White

Shoe Box Projectors                                                Loretta Wasserman


3”x5” Card Projection  (indirect)

Darth Vedar Buckethead Viewers


DH Solar Scope (indirect)                                      Ervin Davenport --- Needs Small table, 2 chairs


Electromagnetic Spectrum & Rainbow coloring


Lunar Surface Maria, Highlands, Far side         


Lunar Crust, Interior, Revolution & Rotation      Tedda Howard


Moon phases


Compare our sun with other suns/stars in our galaxy, other galaxies.

Average size, not double/binary star, …


Learn about other suns (stars) in other solar systems.

Goldilocks sweet spots for other planets


Learn about the suns (stars) we can see at night,

and those beyond naked-eye viewing.  Deep sky


Light pollution.





          Constellation Leo the Lion, Regulus, his heart, and Hercules.       Tedda Howard Needs 2 T-Posts, 1x5' Luan

         There is No Place like Space, Dr. Suess style, by Suzanne Harris Needs 2 T-Posts, 1x8' Luan

Polaris and the Big Dipper to the N,

Vega in the NE

Arcturus in the East  

Spica and Jupiter near Corvus in the SE

Mercury, Mars and Regulus near the Sun in the high S,

Sirius, Procyon, Castor and Pollux and Venus in the W, and

Capella to the NW.  


Model & water rockets  ~3:00PM                           Stan Howard, Kenneth Beard, Ervin Davenport,







Regulus   by Tedda Howard, excerpts from


There is a country on Earth called Greece.  It is far away, across the wide Atlantic Ocean in southern Europe.  It has good weather most of the time, with lovely breezes from the Mediterranean Sea.  It also has lots of stony, craggy hillsides, wonderful for growing grapes and olives.


Once upon a time, long ago, the people of Greece wanted to explain their world in terms that they could understand.  So they created many myths with gods that controlled or explained many parts of their lives.  There were also many giant animals and super heroes.  Today, we now use more scientific explanations to understand many events in our world.  We still don’t have all the answers though.


Hercules was one of those mythical heroes. Hera, Queen of the Gods had been angry with Hercules since even before he was born and tried to destroy him, then drove him mad and delusional.  In this state, Hercules did unspeakable things, including killing his own family.  To atone/pay for his crimes, his uncle, the King, required that he complete what he thought were 12 impossible trials, labors or challenges.   If he failed, the king would feel superior, if he succeeded, it would rid his kingdom of some dangerous, predatory monsters.  


Hercules very first trial was to kill the enormous and powerful lion of Nemea, whose hide is impenetrable.  Hercules didn't know this however and shot the Nemean Lion with arrows, which did nothing but make it really, really mad.   

Known for his bravery, Hercules decided to make a mad dash at the Nemean Lion rather than run away.  The lion ran into its cave, which had two entrances.  Hercules blocked off one entrance.  Then he rushed into the cave, hit the Lion over the head with his club hard enough to stun it, and then proceeded to choke it to death with his bare hands.


In order to prove his victory, Hercules was supposed to bring the pelt of the Nemean Lion back to the King.  Hercules tried to cut the pelt off the giant lion's body before realizing that it was still impenetrable.  He finally figured out that the only thing that could cut the skin of the Nemean Lion was its own claws.  Eventually he brought the pelt back to the king, but ended up keeping it to use as his own personal armor.  Good idea.

It is not clear whether it was Zeus or Hera, king and queen of the gods, but most legends explain that Hera, took pity on the creature (or perhaps felt guilty) for it getting hunted down and killed and allowed the Nemean Lion to live as the constellation Leo among the stars.  His heart still beats strongly as the star Regulus.  Perhaps you will see it during Totality close to the darkened Sun.  It looks like a backward question mark.    




Send YOUR story!  

August 28

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