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The ACA met on February 17, 2017, Friday at 7PM at Augusta University. There were 25 people in attendance for the Program.

The guest speaker, Courtney Morrison, had her father with her and both were recognized by President, Kenneth Beard.
Michael Axel, a STAR student, was also recognized.

Our Web-Editor, Tedda Howard, reminded us of some up-coming events:
1) Roger Venable a former President of the club will be giving the program on March 10 on Rossby Waves on Mars.
2) We have a community Outreach program at Phinizy Swamp on March 11. Please volunteer.

Our VP of Programs, Mark Moffatt, introduced our speaker, Courtney Morrison. She gave a well organized presentation on Stellar Evolution with interesting slides. She also informed us that, as a student at AU and President of the University Physics Club, her plans for the future are to prepare for an advanced degree in nuclear astrophysics and see where that takes her.

We enjoyed refreshments and departed for home.

Respectfully submitted,
Kenneth Beard, ACA President