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The Astronomy Club of Augusta met on Friday June 10, 2016 at the Augusta University New Science Center Auditorium W1008 building.

Sixteen 16 members attended.


Agenda: Introductions, Talks, Elections/Business meeting, Snacks & Socializing


Over seven ACA members presented two minute talks on a variety of topics. Highlights are shared below.







Business Meeting


Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Axel






20160625 ACATHMin


The Astronomy Club of Augusta held their last meeting of the 2015-16 club year with a Star Gaze on June 25, Saturday, 8PM, at NMR-DSO. Fourteen (14) attended.


The evening began with blueberry picking and tasting in the fruit orchard.  Maryglenn also brought chocolate chip cookies that were enjoyed later in the evening.  Mara came in for a cheerio break, and to check on Tedda after her foot surgery on Wednesday.  John joined in also, and introduced new members Erica and her boys, 11 &18.  They had a good time feeding, milking and petting the goats and Friendly Freddy donkey.


Cars and telescopes line up on the mowed hay field, and finally summer darkness began to take over.  Steve focused on photos and video of planets and stars.  We had a nice view of some takes even before editing.  Pat looked at many deep sky objects.  Tedda came out to install the new 2016-17 officers of our club, voted on at the meeting on June 10:  President: Kenneth Beard, VP Observing: Stan Howard, VP Programs: Mark Moffatt, Treasurer:  John White.  Our club had no volunteer for Secretary, and welcomes your consideration for this important position. 


Tedda stayed to review the naked-eye view of the night sky with new members.   It was remarkably clear, with good viewing of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn.  We followed the Big Dipper to Polaris, and in the opposite direction we arced to Arcturus, then sped on to Spica.  We noted Antares below the Scorpion’s head and pincers.  Well up in the east, Vega was also bright, and we could see Deneb in Cygnus and Altair in Aquila. 


Stan showed the planets in the Televue scope, and the Ring Nebula in Lyra.  Pat helped Eric and Victor with their telescope, but felt they would need more time to get it set up and to work more easily. 


Respectfully submitted,


Tedda Howard,

ACA Web Editor