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The ACA attempted an early winter Dark Sky Star Gaze at NMR-DSO on November 07, Saturday at 5:30PM.  Twelve members attended.


Although it didn't rain and we enjoyed mild temperatures, it was cloudy, overcast.   Stan showed some members some of our club telescopes.  Tedda worked with Kenneth on our computer publicity. Maryglenn and other STEM volunteers  were pleased to get the attached outlines of current constellations, even though LMMS cancelled their STEM night program for the night before.  We enjoyed general conversation with plenty of  Chili, BBQ with popcorn, green beans, rice, coleslaw.  For some of the evening we watched a video: The Theory of Everything, about Stephen Hawking's life.           Everyone seemed to enjoy it.


We are looking forward to our next meeting on Nov.20, Fri.7PM, at RPSEC Room 217.  Please take the planetarium elevator to the second floor.


Respectfully submitted,

Tedda Howard




The Astronomy Club of Augusta met on December 19, 2015, Saturday at 6PM for its Annual Holiday Party at Bobby's BBQ. ?? Nineteen ?? attended.

Kenneth, VP Programs, called our enthusiastic group to order, made some announcements, and asked Stan to say a blessing before we all started in on the yummy BBQ, and banana pudding dessert.

Cathy was an excellant hostess and had festive decorations along the long table, and amusing games for us to play. Stan and Tedda wore their Mars protective hats with antennae and whirly gigs that Stan made for the occasion. Stan then presented his hat as the third person signed up with a ticket for Mars. Jolly Stanta Claus came in with a Ho Ho Ho! and visited with each of us, listening to our wishes.
Finally all the pretty gifts were randomly passes out. Cathy then directed us to pass the gift to the right every time we heard a "the" in her Christmas story, and to the left every time we heard "and" in the story. It was hard to keep up, and we were all totally confused and laughing sooo hard by the time she finished. We all opened our science/astronomy gifts together this year, but took and interest in what others received. Cathy drew numbers from the pot, awarding most of us some sort of prize or small poinsettia.
Almost everyone stayed long enough to help clean up, and left tips for our waitresses. A room rental fee came out of the club treasury.

And so it went. Everyone received a gift, we were all satisfied with our Christmas presents, and everyone seemed to have a good time.

Respectfully submitted,
Tedda Howard