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The Astronomy Club of Augusta met on December 13, 2014, Saturday at 6PM for its Annual Holiday Party at Bobby's BBQ. Twenty-three attended.


We missed a few regulars, like Ray and Wes, who have family issues or were sick with viral colds , bronchitis, or worse, which is going around and affecting many. We wish them all a quick and quality recovery. Dot was out of town for Karen's birthday, but sent a gift, and we saved a gift for her.
We missed some others, but filled our room with new and old members.

Kenneth, VP Programs, called our enthusiastic group to order, made some announcements, and asked Mark to say a blessing before we all started in on the yummy BBQ.

Cathy was an excellant hostess and had festive decorations and amusing games for us to play. Jolly Stanta Claus came in with a Ho Ho Ho! and visited with every one of us, listening to our wishes.
Darrell, a relatively new member and my martial arts bro, claimed the package which looked like a rocket. Subsequently, Jeanne chose to exchange her yummy cookies for the rocket, Darrell shared some of the cookies with Jim and me. Later in the week, Darrell told me how much he enjoyed eating the cookies. Lisa ended up with the rocket that carried some beautiful astronomy maps and charts.

And so it went. Everyone received a gift, we were all satisfied with our Christmas presents, and everyone seemed to have a good time.

Respectfully submitted,

Kenneth Beard