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October 12, 2014

Dear ACA Members,

Thank you so much for your enthusiastic support of SEED this year.  We had more ACA participants this year (24) than ever before.    I’m sure that we talked with more than 400 kids this year at our many interactive displays.  The lifelong inspiration rate is never 100%, but I always hope that some of those kids found a spark of interest in science and astronomy yesterday.  Not all of them were just trying to find the answers on a checklist.  As each kid came by, I always looked for that spark in the shine of their eyes and then tried to do my best to fan that spark into a flame that could survive a lifetime.  Who knows, we may have talked with one of the first colonizers of Mars yesterday or to the scientist who finally figures out dark energy!  Every life has a pivotal moment, and our interactive displays may have been the beginning of 100 years of scientific interest for someone. 

We had some wonderful displays this year.  It looked like we had non-stop interaction from before 10:00   until we started the big cleanup effort near 3:00 pm.  I’m sure some of us talked ourselves blue in the face during the day.  I suspect that the kids were not the only ones to gain more insight in this enriching experience.  I hope that each of you felt a glow of pride and satisfaction in your effort to help push the interest of science just a little deeper into the universe.  We are proud that the ACA was so well represented in this endeavor.  Even before the last fence post finally came out of the ground, I think we had the beginnings of new ideas for next year’s presentations.

What else can I say?  You did a tremendous job for which I wish to thank each of you.  Hopefully, we’ll have a video before long that at least reflects the flavor of the spirit that was interactively displayed to each kid yesterday.  You each earned at least one attaboy/attagirl for your participation in SEED this year!

Stan Howard

2014 ACA  Vice President of Observing


The Astronomy Club of Augusta met on October 24, 2014, Friday 5:00 PM at NMR-DSO. Nineteen (19) attended.


People started arriving early so they could set up telescopes before eating. Everyone brought something for a table full of goodies in the Gallery of the Solar System (breezeway): Halloween punch, spooky napkins, John’s BBQ, buns, potato salad, plenty of beans, multi-bean salad, Waldorf salad, veggie platter, pasta salad, Wisconsin pickles, cranberry sauce, more potato salad, coleslaw, and desserts: cherry pie, rhubarb pie, blueberry cobbler, blackberry swirl ice cream and bear claws - all so good.


There was lots of conversation about SEED success, the Astro Assoc. of Daves, and entries to the Bean Count Contest. Everyone had a chance to win 80% of the jackpot by entering a guesstimation of the number of big white jack beans in the bottle, $1.00 per guess. We had 14 guesses. Our guest, Dave Cotterell came closest to the correct number. He graciously donated his winnings to our club donation fund. Total = $14.00!

Although Stan and Dave C. had tested the computer set up last week, it took some time to execute “Plan B” after Dave’s computer refused to cooperate in running Powerpoint. Luckily, Stan just got his desktop computer up and running after last week’s switching power supply total time to use it as an emergency spare backup operating system through the TV. Tedda had elevated the TV so everyone would be able to see clearly.
She brought the group’s attention to a thank you note from Reese K, now in High School and Boy Scout Eagle, (Stan attended his Eagle Scout graduation ceremony last spring) for our part in his memorable experiences in a goat chasing/astronomy weekend his troop enjoyed at NMR-DSO some years ago.


Stan introduced our speaker, Dave Cotterell, a personable guy from the North York Astronomical Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We first met him at the Winter Star Party last February. He was in our Tiki Hut Circle. Stan won tickets to Star Fest, NW Ontario, and he and Tedda went in August. Dave and his club were wonderful hosts! Dave spoke at Peach State Star Gaze this week. He was happy to present one of his favorite topics, Double Stars, to us this evening.


Dave talked to us with pictures, photos, diagrams and charts, even some music. He reminded us that almost half of all the stars we can see are double stars. Although some are optical doubles, most are true doubles, gravitationally affecting each other. They range from almost equal in size, like the “car headlights” in Ares, to those very unequal in size, such as Polaris A & B. They may both be the same color, but we also enjoy very different colored stars, like the blue and gold of Alberio and the Almaak pair. Astronomers have charted the time of revolution of some doubles, and in this way it has helped them determine the size of these stars. Dave was clear, to the point, and helpful to our observing outside. We were all anxious to get outside to find doubles. Thanks, Dave.


Outside the weather finally cleared after about an hour. Capella was in the North, in the East Uranus was noted and mentioned with jokes only an astronomer or adolescent could love. Vega was in the West and Fomalhaut in the South.


We had a great opportunity to view with naked-eyes, binoculars, and with our best scopes: John brought a mount for the Televue Genesis, but it was used manually after the power source was needed for troubleshooting for the LX200. Even so, Stan used the Genesis to show us doubles: Alberio, Almaak, the Car Headlights in Ares, and the Andromeda galaxy. Ervin, Mark and John set up the club 12”LX200 and John was able to focus on clearly separated Polaris A&B. Pat Noisworthy met his list of items he wanted to observe.

Our guest from Canada treated us to some stories of his Mongolian adventures. Suzanne Harris brought her husband, Gary to view for the first time with us. Ray had to leave early. Darrell from the martial arts club followed Kenneth to the site and joined ACA. He was especially impressed with David P. showing us M31 in his 12”LX200.


Mike, Cathy, and Michael enjoyed it all. Mary Glenn is becoming a regular too. Little Eagle and Jean invited us to the November Pow-Wow. Mark took some astro photos. Stan and Tedda were under the weather. Tedda came out to see, but didn’t touch anything! We hope they feel better soon.

And the stars moved on.




Kenneth, VP Programs, attended GRAM (Georgia Regional Astronomical Meeting), and it was great: THEY GAVE US E-MAILS FOR ALL THE PARTICIPANTS! Ken was allowed to stand up address the whole auditorium. Jay Dunn voiced his approval of us. Prof. Jones seconded it. Ken promised if they came and fed the mind, we would feed the body.

Kenneth deserves another program-arranging kudo from the club!


Respectfully submitted,


Kenneth Beard and Tedda Howard