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The Astronomy Club of Augusta met for its monthly meeting at GRU on Friday evening at 7pm. Members begin arriving at 6pm to began setting up and to welcome those that attended. By 7pm we had 23 people at the meeting ready to hear our speaker Dr. Varsha Kulkarni.


Our new President Mark Moffatt lead the meeting with a few words about himself saying he would like to see more emphasis on observing this year. He then introduced our V.P. of programs Kenneth Beard. Kenneth spoke about Varsha’s qualifications including current Professor of Astronomy at the University of South Carolina.


Long Ago, in Galaxies Far, Far Away was the title of Dr. Kulkarni’s talk. She began by speaking about the life of stars and the different types of galaxies we have in our Universe. She explained how everything is expanding and that there are upwards of 600 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy alone. She also explained that with deep space telescopes we could see that there was no telling how many galaxies we actually have in the universe. We just can’t see that far back. She talked of things like Dark Matter, Black Holes, Quasars, and gave us some insight on how we are learning more about those things. It was a somewhat technical speech but she explained it in a way that kept it interesting with her visual slides. Dr. Kulkarni was able to answer questions during the talk without missing a beat and answered more afterwards.

A hearty round of applause was given and everyone seemed to enjoy the speech. Kenneth then gave Varsha

a framed Certificate of Appreciation for taking her time to come and share with us her knowledge and expertise.


Next up was our annual awards presentation. These awards are presented at the end of each year by our Immediate Past Officers, with comments on the merits of each recipient.  Tedda Howard presented the President’s Award to Pat Noisworthy. He was not able to attend, so we will present it again at our July 26 star Gaze.  She also presented the Best Attendance Award  to David Price. Kenneth Beard presented the Best Program award to Ray Owens. Stan Howard presented the Best Observing Award to Lalit Reddybattula. The

club thanks all of the recipients for their time and dedication.

Tedda then wanted to personally thank her officers for helping her out over the year, including Stan, Ray, Kenneth, and John White by giving out gifts to each.  She also gave Mark Moffatt a beach towel and wished him well as our incoming president. 

Thank you Tedda for your exceptional service as President and your enthusiasm towards helping others old and new to learn more about Astronomy and the world we live in. You have truly inspired us and your work was much appreciated. You truly set the bar high in terms of future Presidents. Thank you.


Next up was refreshments supplied by Mark. We all gathered in a separate conference room to enjoy cookies, rice crispy treats, and sodas. Thanks Mark. Several people gathered outside to view an absolutely gorgeous Full Moon through several binoculars. No telescopes were set up due to unfavorable weather, but we had very good views of the moon none the less. People began leaving around 9:30pm. A good time was had by all.


Respectfully submitted,


Ray Owens - Secretary