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The Astronomy Club of Augusta met on Friday, September 6, 2013 at NMR DSO for dark sky observation.   Twelve cars/trucks lined up.  Twenty-one 18 members and 3 guests attended.   We used eight 8 reflectors, one 1 refractor, and several binoculars. 


The group started to arrive around 7pm and headed to the field to set up.  Tedda let us know that an unexpected work schedule change at NASA prevented Russell Romanella from joining us as planned.  


The skies were clear, and as the sun set, Venus was the first visible object. Some saw the first sliver after the new moon below Venus.  Saturn came out a little later just above Venus. 


Each member took to finding their own objectives. Stan led a few members, pointing out Arcturus and Antares, finding more double stars, and using Cassiopeia to spot Andromeda.  Saggitarius was in the south and pointed us to a brilliant Milky Way and M11, M8 and M20.     


About 9:30 we took a break for John’s Rhubarb pie topped with Dot's ice cream.  Yet another culinary delight – great job John!!  Tedda reminded everyone about OMN on Sept 14th and SEED on Oct 12th.   Lalit’s garden has been overflowing and he shared some of the squash he grew with us.  (I cooked up what I had received – it was delicious!!) - Many thanks Lalit.  


We headed back out for more observing and the session wrapped up around 10:30 – a productive evening for everyone. 


Respectfully submitted,

Dot Valentine




The Astronomy Club of Augusta met on Saturday September 14, 2013 at RPSEC, USC Aiken, for Observe the Moon Night (OMN). Seventeen 17 members and twenty-five 25 guests registered with additional children participating. Four families joined our club this evening – welcome all!!!


Several members arrived early to help set up our ACA sandwich billboard, ACA pennant, and lunar information board, arrange chairs and tables outside and inside, and ready the refreshment table. Thank you. Many thanks to Lisa as our registrar, and to DaveD & DaveP who helped focus scopes later.

Around 6:15 Tedda introduced the club and its officers to our guests, made announcements, and presented a brief overview of the moon with Stan and Gary’s computer assistance. At 7 pm we took a break for hotdogs, sweet treats and beverages provided by Tedda, Stan, Gary, Mark M. and John - many thanks.


Then we headed to the lawn for observation. Some participants enjoyed the RPSEC planetarium program first and joined us afterwards. On the lawn the public had an opportunity to help and/or observe club members, Lalit, Ken, Ray, Stan, John, Mark M. and Dot, set up telescopes and binoculars on tripod for a variety of low and high power views of the moon.


The skies were clear, temperatures mild, and objects on the waxing gibbous moon were distinguishable even before dark. A bell encouraged groups to gather 'round periodically during the evening to hear club members present brief overviews and handouts of specific items of interest on the moon:

Dot Mare Frigoris, Atlas, Endymion
Ray Mare Crisium, Cleomedes, Picard
Stan Mare Tranquillitatis, Palus Somni
Ken Mare Nectaris, Theophilus, Cyrillus, Catharina
Mare Nubium, Bullialdus, Pitatus
Lalit Mare Insularum, Copernicus, Eratosthenes
Tedda Montes Apenninus, Caucasus and Alpes, Aristoteles, Plato
Stan Mare Imbrium, Archimedes, Palus Putredinis

In between lunar observations, we were able to point out Venus and Saturn, the arc to Arcturus, Alpheratz and Cassiopeia, which could lead the way to Andromeda.


The children were truly amazed by what they could see through the telescopes. Parents, as well, were able to get answers to their astronomy questions. It was a lovely evening for both families and club members alike.


Tedda reminded us about our club observing on Sept. 28, and SEED on Oct 12th.

Lalit’s garden continues to produce more squash for us. (This time I’m trying squash soup). Many thanks Lalit.


The session wrapped up around 10:30 – a fun evening for everyone.


Respectfully submitted,

Dot Valentine






The Astronomy Club of Augusta met on Saturday September 28, 2013 at NMR-DSO, for Dark Sky Observing. Twelve 12 members attended.


Kenneth came Friday evening with a load of cardboard dishes, perfect for hotdogs, etc., observed a great clear sky, and made the ice cream with Stan & Tedda. (How fortunate that he forgot that we were scheduled for Sat. night.)

We didn't get much done on the boards for SEED, but for those who came early on Saturday, we had hot dogs, veggies & dip, and homemade Blackberry Swirl and Death by Triple Chocolate. The weather was mild and pleasantly cool. We had a good group and saw some great astronomical objects through changing clouds to clear skies, numerous meteors, and interesting conversation while laying on the grass looking up. Lalit took a nice photo of Perseus. We had a great time playing ping pong for a while, and exploring new ideas. When we went out again it was clear observing.


Respectfully submitted,

Tedda Howard