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Astronomy Club of Augusta


Observing Questions and Answers




1.a. Name 11 large Maria we can see on the near side of the Moon.
1.b. Which is the largest?
2. What is the line of light and dark on the Moon called? Why is it so useful?
3. Name four 4 large craters on the western moon, (3 named for famous astronomers.) Find them.
4. Name and find the brightest spot on the moon.
5. Name and find the darkest spot on the moon.

6. How are Mercury, Venus and the Moon similar? Why?

7. Tell the story of Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Andromeda, Cetus, Perseus, Pegasus. Find these six 6 constellations in the sky.

8. Name the 4 corner stars of the Great Square of Pegasus in order of brightness.
9. Which of the Great Square stars is in a different constellation?
10. Name two stars in Cetus. Find them.
11. Where will you find Uranus?

12. Name the stars that form the handle of the Big Dipper.
13. Name the brightest star in the head of Draco the Dragon. Find it.
14. Name the three 3 stars of the Summer Triangle.
15. Name the corresponding constellations of the Summer Triangle.

1.a. Mare Frigoris, M. Crisium, M. Serenitatis, M. Tranquilitatis, M. Fecunditatis, M. Nectaris, M. Vaporum, M. Nubium, M. Humorum, M. Imbrium, Oceanus Procellarum.
1.b. Mare Imbrium,, Virtual Moon
2. The Terminator. Shadows are longest here, and show craters and surface features in best relief.
3. Bailly (is the largest), Tycho, Copernicus, Kepler.,
4. Aristarchus
5. Grimaldi

6. They all exhibit phases to us on Earth. They are/can be closer to the sun than Earth.

7. In Greek mythology, Cepheus and Cassiopeia were the King and Queen of mythical Ethiopia. Cassiopeia was very vain and bragged that she was more beautiful than the Nereid sea nymphs. The Nereids asked the gods and Poseidon to punish her, so they caused famine and pestilence. When the people could not bear it any longer they asked how they could be spared from this misery. The Nereids said they must sacrifice their beloved and beautiful Princess Andromeda to the sea monster Cetus by chaining her to a rock by the sea. Cepheus and Cassiopeia were heartbroken, but now had no choice. As Cetus rose from the sea, about to devour Andromeda, Perseus was on his way home from killing the Medusa, and riding on Pegasus, the Winged Horse. Perseus saw the beautiful Andromeda and fought the monster to save her. He was not doing very well, when he remembered the Medusa head (Algol). He took it from his bag (under Mirfak) and stretched it out in the face of Cetus, who turned to a pillar of stone. Perseus was a hero, and married Andromeda. All are remembered as constellations in our sky, but Cassiopeia and Cepheus were punished by the gods by appearing upside down for half of every year. (

8. Alpharatz, Sheat, Markab, Algenib. Use Stellarium.
9. Alpharatz
10. Menkar (head) and Diphda (tail)
11. To find Uranus, draw a straight line from Apharatz through Algenib and continue for a slightly shorter distance. Uranus will be slightly below this line. Using a straight line from Algenib to Diphda, Uranus will be about 1/3 the distance from Algenib, and slightly above the line.

12. Handle of Big Dipper: (Megrez), Alioth, Mizar/Alcor, Alkaid
13. Draco: Etamin
14. Vega, Deneb, Altair
15. Lyra, Cygnus, Aquila

If you want to see these marvels in the real sky, come to the ACA